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Pet Ear Problems, Allergies |Fungal, Bacterial Infection in Pet Ear

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Pet Ear Problems:

Unlike humans, pets’ ears are extremely sensitive. There are several ear infections that your pet could suffer from. These infections are extremely painful to the pet and may cause damage to their inner ears.
Apart from fungal and bacterial infections in the ears, your pet may also suffer from parasitic infections in the ears.  All animals have three parts in their ears. The outer ear is known as the pinna. This is made up of soft tissues. Second is the middle ear where sounds are processed, and third, the inner year where sensitive organs are present. Any of these three parts of the ear could get infected. Here are some of the common ear problems that occur in pets:

  • Inflammation: Any kind of skin infection in the ear can cause inflammation. There are several microorganisms like bacteria and fungi that may cause inflammation in the ear. Parasitic infestation, especially by parasites known as ear mites, can cause inflammation in the outer ear.
  • Yeast infections: Yeast infections may occur anywhere in the ear. The inner and the middle portions of the ears, however, offer the right kind of environment for yeast to grow and therefore, yeast is most often found in the inner or middle ear.
  • Bacterial infections: There are several types of bacteria which can invade the ears. Bacteria such as staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci, etc. can cause bacterial infections in the ear. If the bacterial infection persists, it can cause various different types of discharge, inflammation, and pain.
  • Allergies: Pets could also get affected by various different allergies. Allergy is the most common cause of problems in the ears of your pet.  A problem in pet’s ears can also be caused due to foreign bodies lodged in the ears. If your pet has accidentally lodged something in their ear, it may cause irritation due to its movement and the scratching that it may cause.
  • Hormones: Though pets may not often suffer from hormonal problems, changes in hormones still continue to be one of the major causes of ear problems in animals. Thyroid hormones are especially responsible for problems in pets.
  • Ear mites: These are dark coffee-colored small organisms which may appear like coffee grounds deposited on the outer ear. The ear may need to be cleaned thoroughly to get rid of ear mites. In some cases, putting in a medicated cleaning solution may help to kill the mites in the ear.