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Home Remedy Dog Ear Mites | Dog Ear Mites, Home Treatment, Symptoms

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Ashley @ 1:16 am

Ear mites are tiny external parasites. They live on the skin surface of a dog’s ear canal and cause ear problem. They feed themselves by piercing through the skin or by eating debris released from the ear. These tiny parasites cause inflammation and discomfort and if left untreated they might cause external ear infections, which may lead to temporary or permanent hearing loss. Sometimes the mites may migrate to other body parts such as the back, neck, or tail. Dogs are infected with these mites when they come in contact with some other infected dog. Infected dogs will develop itchy spots on their back, neck and tail area.

The ear mites can live their entire life attached with the dog. Their life cycle is three weeks long. Within a week, the eggs develop into mature mites. Ear mite infection is very common in puppies. In older dogs the infection is mostly due to lower immunity. Here are a few symptoms of ear mite infection:

• Constant shaking of your dog’s head and scratching at its ears.
• Irritation.
• The ear becomes red and inflamed.
• Build up of wax within the ear as well as numerous black specks (likely spots of dried blood).
• Your dog frequently goes off balance due to the irritation inside its ear.
• Secondary infection such as bacterial or yeast infection is common in ear mite infections.

The diagnosis becomes difficult in case of secondary infections. However, a simple microscopic examination of the ear or the earwax along with a physical examination can confirm the ear mite infection. Here are some home remedies for ear mite infection in dogs:

• First of all clean the ear of your dog with white vinegar. This helps remove dirt or any debris from your dog’s ear.

• By using an eye dropper or ear syringe put five to six drops of almond, olive, or vegetable oil inside each ear canal. This process will smother the mites and clean the mite dirt.

• By using cotton buds clean the mite dust present inside the ear canal.

• In case of ear irritation, use a natural treatment of psorinum or sulfur. It will greatly reduce the ear irritation.

• You can prepare yellow dock tea by boiling the root extract of yellow dock with water. Cool the tea and keep it in a bottle. Put two drops of tea into each ear twice a day. This is a very good preparation and helps in killing the mites.

• You can make oregano oil preparation by adding oregano with olive oil. Put this oil solution into both ears twice a day.

• You can prepare a mixture of mullein and garlic. Mix this with olive oil and put it into both the ears. Mullein and garlic have antimicrobial properties and can help in killing mites.

Female Dog Bleeding | Menstruation, Heat, Estrous Cycle in Female Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Ashley @ 1:13 am

Female Dog Menstruating

Bleeding in female dog is known as the heat period or estrous cycle, which is equivalent to the menstrual cycle in a human being. This is the reproductive phase in dogs and if the female dog undergoes intercourse at this time, she could get pregnant. The female dog menstruation period usually starts when she is 5 to 10 months old; however, in some small breeds, it may start at six months. The female dog menstrual cycle lasts for 21 days or three weeks on an average, but it may vary from 8 to 30 days. Most female dog heat cycle is experienced at least twice a year or once every seven months.

The heat cycle or the canine estrous cycle is divided into the four stages mentioned below:

  • Pro-estrus: During this phase, the female dog shows symptoms such as the swelling of the vulva and clear discharge sometimes accompanied by blood and frequent urination. Some of the large dog breeds may not show any external signs and symptoms. The phase typically lasts from 8 to 13 days.
  • Estrus: During this phase, the bleeding normally stops but there could be swelling at the vulva region. There may be a clear or straw-colored discharge, which could last for 4 to 7 days.
  • Metestrus: This phase is known as the false pregnancy phase. Bleeding totally stops at this time.
  • Anestrus: This is the last phase of estrus cycle where there is no activity in the female dog’s reproductive tract.

During the estrous cycle a female dog needs a proper care from her owner. Here are some tips on dog care at this stage:

  • If dog bleeding is heavy, purchase diapers, pants, or you can put a large man’s underwear on her.
  • Keep checking the diaper in case of heavy bleeding and change as required.
  • Keep the dog in a restricted area and do not allow anyone to disturb her.
  • Put the dog in a crate at night. The floor of the crate will be easy to clean in the morning.
  • Always stay close to your dog whenever she is outside during menstruation because male dogs can smell her and might try to have intercourse with her.
  • Take your dog outside more frequently while she is menstruating as she will urinate frequently.
  • Do not get angry or upset if she accidentally urinates inside the house.
  • Mark your calendar the first day you notice your female dog’s menstruation.

This way, you can count six months from that day and be ready for the next season.

Boost Dog Immune System | Dog Immunity Booster

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , , — Ashley @ 1:11 am

Boosting a dog’s immune system is very important for its well being. This vital system continuously protects the body against viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Boosting a dog’s immune system helps to kill virus and bacteria and remove toxins from the body. Improper functioning of the immune system in a dog leads to certain problems such as chronic or acute, eczema, yeast infections, demodectic mange, arthritis, food allergies, ear infections, fertility disorders, or slow healing of wounds.

There are many reasons for low immunity in dogs such as stress, inadequate sleep, lack of exercise, auto immune diseases, and most important of all , poor diet. The most prominent reason for immune deficiency is improper nutrition. Research on dogs has proved that nutritional deficiencies in dogs can affect the next generation’s immune system even if the next generation of dogs is well nourished. Here are some tips to boost your dog’s immunity:

• Stabilized levels of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements are necessary to your dog’s immunity to fight parasites, fungi, viruses, and bacteria.

• A dog’s digestive system is designed for raw food, which enhances the immune system. Avoid commercialized dog food as it decreases the immunity due to its contents of over processed food mixed with chemicals. Prepare food at home containing all the vitamins and minerals.

• To satisfy the total nutrient requirements for your dog, you can use good quality nutrient supplements to your dog’s food such as folic acid, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iodine, potassium and biotin. Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, antiviral, and toxin fighter, is a very important immune booster. Omega fatty acid is another very important nutrient supplement for boosting your dog’s immune system; it makes food digestion more efficient.

• Natural or herbal nutrient supplements are the best immune boosters in dogs; they allow the body to fight against the infections naturally, without any side effects. The important natural or herbal nutrients are astragals, mistletoe, echinacea, Indian ginseng, milk thistle, and cat’s claw.
? Astragalus maintains the blood sugar levels and enhances appetite.
? Mistletoe is used to treat circulatory and respiratory problems.
? Echinacea maintains the blood pressure and boosts immunity.
? Indian ginseng strengthens the immunity.
? Milk thistle is a liver tonic. It cleans the toxicity.
? Neem extracts increase the production of T cells, thereby enhancing immunity levels.

• Give your dog a fresh, clean bowl of filtered water frequently. This helps flush the toxins out from the dog’s body, which is important for the proper functioning of all the organs, including the heart and brain.

• Exercise your dog daily to relieve stress.

Stop Cat from Biting | How to Stop Feline Scratching, Biting Behavior

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:24 am

How to Stop Cat from Biting:

Biting is one of the natural instincts of cats along with other behavioral issues such as scratching and urinating in inappropriate places. Cats, despite their wild streak, can at times be quite predictable and there is little that they do without reason. Here are a few reasons attributed to cat biting:

Cats don’t always bite or scratch out of hostility or fear, but at times may simply be trying to grab on and get a firm grip. At other times they may bite or scratch accidentally while playing, not realizing how rough they can be.

A cat’s reaction depends largely on your relationship with it, and if you do harass your cat or force it to do things it does not like you can expect to be scratched or bitten. Most cats will however not bite or scratch their owners if they have a trusting relationship, and have been discouraged from doing so.
Cats are the natural predators. Even a domestic cat grows with hunting skills. Biting and scratching are part of a cat’s hunting skills. As the cat grows older, it keeps practicing its skills. By doing this, it sharpens its innate properties.

Inadequate training or socializing during the kitten stage makes a cat suspicious about strangers. They display anger by biting or scratching. However, in certain cases, even a trained cat can also do this out of the fear of being touched by a stranger. Cats are very particular about their territories; they hardly resist any intrusion. If they do, they react by biting or scratching.

Health is also an important reason which has an effect on their biting behavior. If they react unpredictably, then it is time to visit a veterinarian.

Here are some ways to stop a cat from biting:

  • Domestic animal training is very important when a pet is young. It is important to deliver good training to your cat to cover its behavior with you and in a social situation. Keep a close watch on behavioral changes. Always fix a boundary and set a play time with your cat.
  • If your cat bites even after  the training, then follow the methods given below:
  • Always keep a spray bottle by your side and spray the cat every time it bites you. Avoid spraying water into or near its ears.
  • If your cat bites you due to you touching it or petting it too much (cats tend to construe unwanted attention and affection as harassment!), then try avoiding your cat for a while. Fix a limit to show your affection and try not to bother your cat too much. Your cat will come to you of its own free will.
  • Respond by yelling ‘ouch’ or a loud ‘no’ to your cat when it bites. By doing this each time, your cat will get the idea that it hurts when it bites.
  • Spend quality time with your cat and reward it for good behavior.
  • Socializing cats when they are kittens is very important. It will help get rid of fears of being touched by strangers. Never force your cat to meet strangers. Treat them with their favorite food if they show some positive signs of mingling with strangers.
  • Though cat biting is a part of their growing behavior, it can be dangerous for you sometimes. A good training session and continuous visits to a veterinarian can keep stop your cat from biting.

Keep Your Cats Healthy | Cat Health Problems | How to Keep Cat Healthy

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:21 am

Keeping Feline Healthy:

Cats are beautiful creatures and great house pets for you and your family. Everyone loves their kitties and wants the best for them. As a responsible pet owner, you must provide special care and attention, and also watch closely for signs of sickness. You must provide natural mental and physical stimulation to your cats to prevent them from succumbing to both boredom and obesity.

Cat health problems range from simple inconveniences to life-threatening illnesses. The common cat health problems are cat hairballs, fleas, plant poisoning, worms, viral, and other infections. The common symptoms to look for in your cat or kitten that requires a vet’s visit are loss of appetite, a dull coat, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive itching, lethargy, weight loss, drinking excessive water, and change in litter box habits.

Here are a few simple steps to keep your cat healthy and happy for life:

  • You must get your cat vaccinated against all common diseases as recommended by your veterinarian to ensure that your cat doesn’t fall victim to diseases such as feline leukemia and feline immune deficiency.
  • It is usually recommended that you take your cat to a vet in order to have your cat’s nails cut short. By doing this, you can ensure that it does not hurt itself, your family, or you by scratching.
  • You must feed your cat with a bit of garlic every once in a while to protect your pet from worms. Cats are susceptible to many kinds of worms like ringworms, roundworms, hookworms, lungworms, and tapeworms.
  • You must brush your cat’s coat every week as it helps reduce the occurrence of hair balls.
  • When you take your cat outdoors fleas, which are infection carrying parasites, attach themselves to the cat’s coat. You must use flea medication that effectively kills flea larvae and adult fleas.
  • You must put your cat on a diet that is high in proteins and low in carbohydrates. Your cat should also be given minerals and essential fatty acids to boost its immune system.
  • You must be cautious while choosing house plants as plants like dieffenbachia, poinsettia, English ivy, and crocus are poisonous to cats.
  • If you see your cat scratching excessively behind or inside its ears, immediately take your cat to a vet; your cat could be infected by ear mites. This requires constant medication.
  • You must check your cat’s eye regularly. If you see any cloudiness or excessive discharge, take your pet to the vet immediately.
  • You must get your cat spayed or neutered as it not only keeps your cat from getting pregnant, but also provides many health benefits. Spaying your cat at a young age lowers the chances of breast cancer. Neutering (spaying) will also improve your cat’s personality.
  • You must take your cat for a routine checkup that involves a physical examination of its body from its tail to nose; checking its temperature and weighing; inspecting for abnormal discharges from its bodily orifices (eyes and nose); checking its gums, teeth and ears; and checking for parasites and abscesses by a vet.

Cat Eating Habits | Feline Eating Behavior |Cat Eating Problems

Filed under: Cat Diet — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 5:19 am

Eating Problems in Cats:

It is important for cats to consume the right amounts of nutrients to maintain a normal healthy life. Nutritional requirements vary throughout the lifecycle of cats’ lives; so, you must feed your cat the right food depending on its growth stage. As a responsible owner you must understand your cat’s needs and behavior. You must comprehend the various actions or vocal sounds made by your cat that could indicate it needs something; it could mean that your cat needs food or it wants to be let out. Cats have their own preferences of food types, which may vary from dry food to semi-moist or canned food. They can be pretty picky eaters, and although easy to provide for most cats differ in their preferences just as we do.
If your cat is not eating due to an illness, the common symptoms to look for are loss of appetite, bad temper, reluctance to participate in their favorite activities, or hiding away in unusual places that they would not usually visit. However, if your cat refuses to eat for 24 hours or more, you must consult your vet as it may be due to allergies or could be a sign of a more serious health problem. Here are a few guidelines on how and what to offer your pet and details on peculiar cat eating behavior:

  • You must provide your cat a high protein, high fat diet with specific animal nutrients. For free choice feeding, - cats eat several small meals all through the day, dry food is the best option.
  • You must feed your cat meat, fish, poultry, or eggs, which are animal protein sources. This will help retain strong muscular structure, antibodies, and vital organs, and promote fetal growth, healthy reproduction, and development. You must avoid supplementing your cat’s diet as it may lead to various health problems.
  • You must ensure that your cat gets the essential minerals and vitamins such as vitamins A & E, which assist the immune system. Provide an accurate fatty acids balance to help maintain excellent coat and skin health.
  • You must ensure that you clean your cat’s bowl as your cat may refrain from eating out of a bowl that has pieces of old food.
  • If you are serving your cat canned food, you must heat the food first so that it releases an aroma and stimulates your cat’s appetite.
  • Your cat may indulge in eating non-food items (clothing, rubber bands, socks, rocks, and string); this is called pica. Pica can be a serious problem as it can severely damage an animal’s intestines. It is potentially life-threatening and hence, advisable to consult both a vet and an animal behavior professional for help.
  • You must ensure that your cat doesn’t overeat; it may lead to obesity and trigger various physical illnesses, including heart, kidney, and liver problems.
  • When you hear your cat purring it generally could be construed as a sign of contentment and comfort, but at times it could mean that it is in great pain or distress. This would however be apparent from other behavior too. However, if a kitten purrs, it is a signal to the mother that it is content and getting enough food when suckling.
  • When you see your cat eating grass, it indicates that your cat needs to clean out its stomach by vomiting. Cats also get folic acid from the grass; this is something they cannot get from meat.
  • Your cat may take its food out of the bowl and eat it off the floor. This common behavior may be due to two reasons: the pieces of food are too large and the cat finds it easier to chew it by taking it out of the bowl to break it into smaller pieces; and if its whiskers are long, it finds it uncomfortable to eat from the bowl.
  • You must understand that cat food is formulated to contain specific amounts of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, which are vital for your cat’s growth. So, people food must be a minimal pat of your pet’s diet.

Best Indoor Dog Selection | How to Choose Indoor Dog Breed

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 2:22 am

Best Indoor Dog:

To begin with, in strict sense, there are no indoor varieties of dogs. All dogs need some form of outdoor activity, like a walk, and they do not always like to be confined in an enclosed space all the time. Remember that the dog is not an inanimate thing, but a living being, and therefore have its own demands. However, having said that, it is also understandable that there are certain breed of dogs that may adapt to indoor environments more easily than others. You can look up the dogs referred to as Toy Group by the American Kennel Club – they should be most suited as indoor pets.

There are a variety of questions you need to ask yourself before deciding on the right breed of dog suitable for your lifestyle. Once you have narrowed down your choice base on your criteria, it may easier to choose a breed that is more suited to your needs. For an indoor dog,

  • First of all, the dog should not be very large. A large dog may not be comfortable in a small apartment, and the owner also might feel the space crunch. Additionally, if there are kids in the apartment, there is always a risk that the dog may end up hurting the kid in one way or the other, without really intending to do it.
  • The dog should not salivate too much as this may lead to unhygienic condition at home. With little kids around, this may even pose health hazards.
  • The dog should be too noisy to annoy your neighbors. If you live in apartments, it is important that your does not pose any difficulty to your neighbors. A noisy breed of dog should therefore give way to a quieter breed.
  • The dog should not be overactive and should be able to go by with low maintenance. Therefore, dogs that do not need too much attention or grooming are better suited as indoor dogs.
  • The dog should not shed too much hair because it may be difficult to keep the house clean. With sick, fragile, or asthma patients around, it may be even more difficult to manage a dog that sheds excessive hair.
  • The dog should also be such that it is easy to take care of and also somewhat sturdy by constitution. A fragile dog that is prone to fall sick may not be suitable for growing up in an apartment. Plus, you may also need to foot a lot of vet bill.
  • Finally, it is also important that you choose a more social breed that can provide company to the whole family. If the dog is quick to pick up tricks, that should be considered as an added advantage.

Easy to Teach Dog Tricks | Teaching Dog Crawl and Shake Hand

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , , — Nik @ 2:20 am

Dog Training Tricks:

Dog training is a process of making the dog do certain tricks by teaching the dog to respond to a set of commands. Depending on the methods and objectives, dog training tricks can be categorized into various segments. However, difficult dog tricks can be a lot of hard work and are better left for professional dog trainers. But, this should not discourage dog owners from trying to teach their dogs a few basic and simple tricks. With a bit of patience and work you too can teach your dog fair amount of tricks. The most important, and probably also the hardest, part is to find a language to communicate with the dog. The method of communication may vary but the essential principle of communication is quite simple – rewarding desired behavior while ignoring or correcting undesired behavior. With this underlying principle in mind, you should set about finding the most appropriate way of communication. Once you have found the way to communicate, teach the six basic dog obedience behaviors – namely, Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Close, and Heel. Remember, however, that these six are not essentially tricks but are the foundations on which tricks are based.

Anyway, described here are some tricks that you may try teaching to your dog. But, remember that you should be very patient with the dog and should not lose your temper at any time.

  • Shake hands: This is one of the most common and easy-to-teach tricks. Start by asking your dog to sit down, then take the dog’s paw in your hands and shaking the paw say, “Shake hand.” Thereafter, give your dog a pat or reward in any other way the dog understands. Repeat the same way at least for 5 times in a row, but remember to always use the same hand and paw. The whole process should again be repeated several times a day, over several weeks, until the dog seems to recognize the movement on its own.
  • Crawl: This is yet another easy-to-teach trick. To do this, make your dog lie down and then hang a prize just in front of the dog’s nose. Say, “Crawl!” aloud and ask the dog to come for the prize. If the dog starts to stand up and take the prize, say “No!” aloud and make it lie down again. Repeat the process until the dog realizes that it has to come crawling and then reward with the prize. You have to repeat this several times a day and continue over a few weeks.

Dog Health Information | Dog Health Nutrition Supplements

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 2:16 am

Dog Health Tips:

Veterinary science has made significant progress in terms of domestic dog’s health, probably because the dog is one of the most common pets humans have had since a long time. The most common diseases faced by dogs can be segregated into some major categories – infectious (caused by bacteria, fungi, or other parasites), genetic, skin, orthopedic, gastrointestinal, eye, and heart. It is important that the dog is examined periodically by veterinary doctor so that any early symptoms of a disease can be diagnosed and treated. Inoculation is another important step that has to be followed rigorously because it is of utmost important to the dog as well as its adopted family members.

Among other important things, the dog should be nurtured in a clean and hygienic environment with lots of care. Cleanliness ensures that the dog grows up healthy and fit. Since dogs usually are one of the most active pets, it becomes even more important to look after their health and hygiene. Besides physical health, the atmosphere of the house also plays important role on the psyche of the dog – the feeling of love, joy, and fun transmits to the dog as well.

For proper dog health care, the dog’s teeth, fur, ear, and nails have to be examined regularly. A periodic assessment by a veterinary doctor should also be carried out.

Given below are some of the most common tips that you can employ at your end to keep your dog healthy.

Give your dog a proper bath at periodic intervals. This is important to keep skin infections and other skin-related problems at bay. You should preferably antiseptic dog shampoo while giving your dog a bath. Besides a complete bath, you should also wipe the dog’s muzzle, ears, and lips daily. The more time your dog spends outdoors, the more it becomes important to clean it frequently.

Keep an eye for swollen or inflamed skin on the dog’s body – the dog may get flea bite, infection, acne, or wound. It is important to cleanse the affected area properly and administer proper medication early on. Left untreated, these areas may develop into secondary skin infections.

Give your dog proper vitamins and nutritional supplements so that you can avoid diseases arising from vitamin or mineral deficiency. Dogs being one of the most active pets need lot of nutrition, so the regular dog food may not always provide them with adequate minerals and vitamins. Besides, sick and ageing dogs must have proper nutritional supplements as their food intake itself is not sufficient.

Dog’s teeth are another important area to look into, mainly because deposition of tartar over time may lead to swollen gums and secondary infection of the mouth. Use specially made toothbrush and toothpaste for dog teeth cleaning at regular intervals.

How to Stop Dog Aggression | Aggressive Dog Behavior Training

Filed under: Dog Training — Nik @ 2:13 am

Control Dog Aggression:

Dog aggression is any dog behavior that is shown with the intent of causing harm. While barking, growling, and biting are most common aggressive behavior in dogs, there can also be other aggressive behavior that are not commonly perceived to be so. Mounting or lunging at people and blocking the path are also aggressive behavior although, because they don’t look as threatening as barking or biting, they don’t gain as much attention.

There is a common misperception that certain breed of dogs show more aggression than others. This is untrue – all breeds of dogs can show aggressive behavior. Usually, 0.1 percent dogs of every breed may show increased aggression. But, due to the way dog breeds are commonly portrayed, people usually perceive that aggression is somehow linked with the breed of the dog.

Dog aggression happens due to a variety of reasons – dominance, fear, and territorial aggression are the most common types. Dogs can become aggressive when they feel threatened or when their territory is intruded upon. It is important that the real cause of dog aggression is found out before taking appropriate action on it. Consult your veterinarian or professional dog trainer to do a proper diagnosis.

There are no definite paths to stop dog aggression – the issue needs to be tackled according to the underlying cause and the severity of it. However, it is important to protect yourself and your family first, in case the aggression turns out to be unmanageable. Here are some dog aggression training steps that you may take to take care of your pet’s unwanted aggressive behavior.

Start a behavioral modification program on your pet. However, ensure that you involve a professional dog trainer or behaviorist before starting on the program. According to the type and extent of your dog’s aggression, a suitable behavioral modification program will need to be devised. But, it is important to understand that this behavioral modification program needs to be implemented gradually, patiently, and consistently over time.

Do not put too many expectations on your pet. Be patient and understand the behavior your dog shows. It is also important to make the dog socialize a bit, so that it lessens the chance of fear or territorial aggression.

Finally, and most importantly, never punish your dog for exhibiting aggressive behavior. This will further aggravate the problem and make the dog more aggressive. Understand why your dog may bark, snap, or growl – it may not always be out of unwanted aggression; often, the dog may have been provoked or the dog does so out of discomfort.

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