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Betta Fish Health Problems | Siamese Fighting Fish Health Care

Filed under: Fish Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:06 am

Betta Fish Health

Betta fish are also referred to as Siamese fighting fish. They are extremely popular throughout the world and are known for their active nature and attractive color. Betta fish diseases treatment and care is quite easy to carry out. Betta fish are ideal for those who love to keep fish, but may not have the time to care for them.

Siamese Fighting Fish Health

As soon as you bring your fish home, it is advisable to become familiar with their movements and behavior. This will enable you to know if something is wrong just by looking at them. The bowl in which you keep the fish should be large enough in order for it to swim around without bumping its scales or fins. There must also be adequate surface area so that the fish receives sufficient oxygen. You may ensure good care for Siamese fighting fish health problems by providing your fish with clean water. These fish do not needs filtration systems, but a third of the water must be changed every 3 days. This will ensure that the water remains clean and fresh at all times. As a result the fish will not be vulnerable to fungal and bacterial infections. The old water must be replaced with aged water, which is water that has been set out for a day. One must also not place betta fish with other bettas since these are fighting fish. They tend to tear at each other and may even cause the death of a fish by the time they stop. Betta fish may be placed with guppies, corydorus catfish or algae eaters. Debris of uneaten food that remains at the bottom of the bowl may be cleaned using a turkey baster. These particles must not be allowed to remain there since it could contaminate the water and cause it to become cloudy and foul-smelling. This could lead to many betta fish diseases. The pH tank must be 7.0 and you can use a pH testing kit to minimize the PH of the water.

Do not use soap while cleaning the rocks, plants and other decorations in the bowl. It becomes difficult to rinse all traces of the soap and the residue of the soap may harm the Betta fish. You may use warm water to clean these objects. Betta fish tend to jump and hence the bowl must be kept covered. Betta fish may be fed with brine shrimp or frozen bloodworms. You may also feed your fish Betta pellets.

Cat Intestinal, Abdominal Cancer Causes, Symptoms | Cat Stomach Cancer Treatment

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:20 am

Cat Intestinal, Abdominal Cancer

Intestinal cancer in cats mimics the symptoms of an inflammation in the intestinal passage which could be the result of an obstruction in the region. A lot of the symptoms of cat intestinal cancer and abdominal tumors in cats are similar to those of stomach cancer. The cat is likely to suffer from a loss of weight, continues and chronic vomiting, a difficulty in defecation and spasms in the sphincter. Although it may want to defecate, it may not succeed in producing sufficient fecal matter. Diarrhea is a possibility with feces looking tarry and bloody. Abdominal tumors in cats are more often than not, also accompanied by rectal tumors. Surgery is the only possible remedy followed by severe radiation. However, post operative survival rates are low as the cancer may recur or spread to the other areas. While the causes of intestinal cancer in cats in unknown, the only preventive measures involve growing them in an environment with minimal pollution, protect it from consuming carcinogenic food and feeding it a healthy balanced diet. Close contact with the pet and observing its movements every day may help spot the disease or its symptoms at an earlier date. This may improve its chances of survival although it is extremely difficult to identify them at an early stage. Keep a look out for any difficulty in breathing, a stiffness of the joints while walking, limping about, minor injuries and sores that refuse to heal over time, foul odour emanating from it and lumps that seem to be growing in size.

Cat stomach cancer is a difficult disease to spot for pet owners as the symptoms are not very noticeable and it is only in advanced stages that the sickness begins to show. Cat cancer symptoms include frequent vomiting that is tinged with blood, increased sleep, lethargy, diminished reflexes and movement, stool that is black from the blood ingested, anemia that is caused by the loss of all this blood, loss of weight and appetite, and a refusal to let its owner touch its stomach due to tenderness and pain. The masses can easily be felt through the skin. At the hospital, radiographs, abdominal ultrasounds, blood panels and gastroscopy may be prescribed to find out the extent of the cancer. Surgery can be performed to remove malignant cells although radiation is not usually prescribed as it may damage the surrounding organs. Cat cancer causes are difficult to determine just as it is for humans, but it could in some cases be hereditary.

Dog Pregnancy Cycle, Timeline | Canine Pregnancy Period, Stages

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 4:09 am

Dog Pregnancy Cycle

A dog pregnancy cycle lasts about nine weeks or a little over two months. The due date is determined by calculating the number of days from the day the dog mated and delivery can occur anywhere between the 58th and the 64th day. Since the dog pregnancy timeline is so short, things tend to happen fast and the owner will have to keep an eye out for minute changes in dog behavior. Of the dog pregnancy stages, in the first one month or so, no change is likely to be noticed in her diet and she may be eating as usual. Her vulva will be rather enlarged, about the same size it was during mating time. Dogs do not usually vomit and there shouldn’t be any vaginal discharge during the dog pregnancy cycle. However, if you do notice any discharge, she will have to be taken to the vet immediately as it could be a sign of an advanced stage of pyometra or some other infection which can not only be life threatening, but also cause her to lose her pups. She will have to be fed a high protein diet with the necessary vitamins and minerals in it as she is eating not only for herself, but for her pups as well. Since the pups will draw the necessary nutrients from her body, she will be severely depleted and malnutritioned if not fed properly. It would be ideal to consult one’s regular vet to check if she requires vitamin supplements and the amount to be given. The next particularly noticeable dog pregnancy stage is the fifth week where her nipples begin to show more prominently and take on a pink colour and her girth will generally increase with the hips broadening out as it gets ready to birth. By the 5th and 6th week, her appetite will increase and there must be an increase in her food by about 30 percent. Dog pregnancy period is also crucial in terms of her general fitness and to ensure that the delivery is smooth and without hassle, she must be taken for daily walks. By the time she crosses the sixth week, long walks may tire her out and she can be given short walks about thrice a day. After she crosses the seventh week, her feed amount will have to be increased again. A whelping box will have o be made and plenty of you newspaper used to make it as comfortable as possible. Make sure the room is warm and away from other pets, children and general noise and disturbance. She will require help at whelping to avoid any complication.

Holistic Dog Health Remedies, Care, Recipes | Holistic Dog Supplements

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:03 am

Holistic Dog Remedies

Holistic dog health can be achieved by taking care of every need of one’s pets and these include nutrition and general health. Holistic dog health care not only builds the dog’s strength over a period of time but also aids in its longevity and helps the owner derive the most from its company. Dogs are prone to a lot of diseases that affect their human counterparts such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, liver disease and so on and the best way to treat these is with a mixture of the holistic approaches as well as a conventional approach. Hence, upon noticing any serious symptoms, it is important to consult the veterinarian immediately.

Holistic Dog Recipes

The key to maintaining natural dog health is to provide them with proper nutrition keeping in mind their overall health, age and other special needs. Dogs can be fed chicken, turkey and beef but their diets must contain an ideal balance of plant and animal nutrients and hence a chicken meal would involve cooking a little brown rice and steaming vegetables like beans, peas, spinach and carrots along with it. Adding half a teaspoon of freshly ground turmeric while cooking the chicken would be an ideal way of getting rid of germs as well if any. Similarly broccoli and cauliflower can form part of their turkey meal along with brown rice. There are several of these recipes available online and pet owners go for these to maintain holistic dog health because many are not sure of the ingredients of commercially available pet food. The quality of the meat, whether from antibiotic fed, hormone injected cattle or from dead and diseased animals has in the past caused some concern and while there are certain brands that a lot of pet owners vouch for, a homemade meal is best for natural dog health. Supplement the dog’s diet with vitamin and mineral supplements as well, but this must be done in conjunction with the vet’s opinions too. Dog health care also involves trying to help out with other health conditions at home. For instance, a concoction can be made at home to boost its general health and immune system. The mixture includes sage, garlic, thyme, rue, wormwood and vegetable charcoal. For mange and other skin infections, a paste made out of turmeric can be applied and alternated with lavender oil or lemon juice. In case of severe injury or illness, consulting the vet is important as dogs can bear a lot of pain and the owners may not be aware of its condition till it gets advanced.

Garlic for Dogs Fleas | Is Garlic Safe, Good, Bad for Dogs

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:34 am

Garlic for Dogs

Garlic is known to be an excellent home remedy for humans since it treats several different disorders. Garlic extracts, which act as powerful antioxidants in our bodies, are also extremely beneficial for dogs. In fact garlic for dogs is considered to be an excellent remedy against ticks and other parasites.

Is Garlic Safe For Dogs?

For thousands of years, garlic has been used in traditional medicine. Even the most ancient of civilizations were aware of the medicinal properties of garlic. When a dog is given even small amounts of garlic, it can help treat flea problems naturally. In fact, by consuming garlic, the dog can repel fleas on its own. Along with this, garlic also has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. With the help of garlic, the production of white blood cells also increases in the body, thus increasing the immunity. Garlic is especially beneficial to dogs that have a compromised immunity because of any recent illnesses. Dogs that have diabetes can also greatly benefit from garlic. The chemical properties of garlic help naturally reduce sugar levels in the blood. Since it is an antioxidant, garlic can also help the body get rid of free radicals which are carcinogenic.

The healing properties of garlic come from an active component named allicin. Allicin gets destroyed on cooking and therefore the medicinal capacity of garlic greatly reduces when it is cooked. Naturally dehydrating garlic in the sun allows maximum preservation of allicin and is therefore the ideal method of processing garlic. To ensure that your pet gets a healthy dose of garlic, simply crush some dehydrated garlic and add it to your pet’s food.

Garlic also contains another compound named thiosulphate, which can be a dangerous toxin if consumed in large quantities. In dogs, large quantities of thiosulphate are known to cause a condition known as hemolytic anemia. However, large quantities means that the garlic will only be harmful to the dog if the dog ends up eating about 50 to 60 cloves of garlic in a single sitting. Still, if at all the dog ends up eating such large quantities of garlic, there will be symptoms like diarrhea, depression, vomiting, weakness, and general loss of appetite. If you see your dog experiencing such symptoms, you can take the dog to a vet immediately, who will induce vomiting and clean the dog’s system of any traces of thiosulphate.

Apart from any accidental gorging on garlic cloves, garlic remains a perfectly safe and healthy supplement for your dog.

Dog Hip, Knee Joint Problems Symptoms | Signs of Canine Joint Health

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 3:29 am

Dog Hip, Knee Joint Problems

Our dogs are usually an active lot and often jump around and play all through the day. Though all the jumping and running around is perfectly normal for healthy dogs, it does take a toll on the dog’s legs. The hip and knee joints of the dogs are as delicate as ours and injuries or stress on the joints can often translate into a lot of pain and suffering for the dog.

Dogs are as susceptible to hip and knee joint related injury and disease as their human master, specifically anterior cruciate ligament tears and osteoarthritis. Since dogs have two sets of legs and an equal stress is placed on all four joints, there are more chances of the dog getting injured in the joints.

There are two main categories of dog joint problems. The first is a developmental problem, like elbow or hip dysplasia, and the other is a degenerative problem like dog arthritis.

Both developmental and degenerative disorders are common in dogs. However, arthritis and problems in the cruciate ligaments due to overuse are the two main dog joint problems faced.

A lot of times, people tend to notice that their dogs are less active than before. This is the primary symptom of a problem in the joints of the dog. The dog may not climb stairs with much alacrity or may not even want to climb on the couch. You may even see the dog struggling to stand up and sit down. It will also lose interest in all play activities that it enjoyed earlier. All of these are common symptoms of problems with the dog’s joints.

If these dog joint health problems are not addressed immediately, they could convert into overt lameness. They are often seen holding their limb up or walking funnily, without putting stress on one of the limbs. However, the pain may not be immediately evident. A dog may have suffered for a long time before the pain actually manifests itself in this manner.

There are certain dog breeds that are more prone to developing problems in the joints. For instance, an increase in the size and the weight of a dog is always a factor in joint problems. The heavier the dog, the more likely it is to have joint problems. Bigger dogs are more prone to suffering from both developmental and degenerative diseases. Rottweilers, for instance, are known to have more knee and ankle problems than any other breeds while Newfoundlands are most prone to ACL tears and injuries.

Dog Spleen Hematoma Disorder | Dog Splenic Hemorrhage, Mass

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 6:48 am

Dog Spleen Hematoma

The dog’s spleen is located in the abdomen and is an elongated organ that performs important functions for your pet’s body. The spleen is responsible for filtering blood and participates in various immune functions in the dog’s body. The size and location of the spleen is dependent upon the size of surrounding organs like the stomach. It is a large, dark red organ and is supplied by several blood vessels. A normal spleen resembles a tongue and is covered by fibrous tissue. The spleen is internally divided into red pulp, white pulp and a marginal zone. The red pulp area is where blood cells are produced and stored and it is the area that traps immune proteins called antigens. The white pulp area is populated by special immune response cells like reticuloendothelial cells and lymphocytes. The marginal zone separates the red and the white pulp area and helps filter the blood in between. The spleen performs several important functions in your dog’s body. It is responsible for producing blood cells and functions as a storage space for these cells. In addition, the spleen houses platelets – elements in the blood that are important for clotting. In addition, the spleen is responsible for filtering blood by removing abnormal or old blood cells and by preventing bacteria, old cells and foreign particles from circulating in the blood stream.

There are several diseases and disorders of the spleen that may affect any dog. Dogs are most commonly prone to enlargement of the spleen, spleen tumors and spleen hematomas. An enlarged spleen in dogs can arise as a result of a number of factors. Some of the common causes for enlarged spleen in dogs include anemia, immune system disorders, massive production of red blood cells and some kinds of infections. In addition, dog spleen hematoma is another common disorder of the spleen in dogs. Dog spleen hematoma is the development of a hematoma, or a blood clot, as the result of blood accumulation in the spleen. These clots could arise as a result of trauma or injury, a bleeding disorder or even a bleeding tumor in the spleen. Dogs may also suffer from an enlarged spleen or a congested spleen on account of twisted blood vessels in the spleen. Another common disorder of the spleen that affects dogs is dog spleen tumor. These malignant tumors can be mast cell tumors, lymphosarcoma or multiple myeloma and should be treated immediately.

Dog Food Protein Requirement, Level | Dog Protein Needs

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: , , — Nik @ 6:44 am

Dog Food Protein

Dog food protein is an important factor that dog owners should take into consideration while formulating your pet’s diet. Different types of dog food may contain different kinds and levels of protein. It is important to take a few factors into consideration before deciding on introducing a protein rich diet for your pet. Firstly, take your dog to his/her veterinarian to ensure that there is no medical condition that needs to be taken into account while assessing your dog’s protein needs. Every dog’s protein needs are different and are dependent upon various factors like age, medical history and lifestyle. In addition, it is important to ensure that your dog eats the right kind of protein in a protein rich diet. This means that you should read dog food labels carefully to ensure that its protein content is easily digestible for your dog. Dog food that contains beef, chicken, fish, poultry and lamb are easily digestible sources of protein for your dog. In addition, ingredients prepared from meat like fish meal, bone meal, meat meal, poultry and animal by-products are also good sources of protein for your dog.

Dog food protein should not be your only consideration for the healthy dog diet, because your dog needs other nutrients as well. Therefore, in addition to dog food protein, ensure that your dog is supplied an adequate amount of carbohydrates, lipids, phosphorus, calcium and fat to keep him/her healthy. Dog food protein can be classified as low protein dog food and high protein dog food. These foods are available in both dry and canned varieties and are normally prescribed for very specific reasons. It is important to make a switch to high protein dog food or low protein dog food only after consulting your veterinarian. These two kinds of dog food contain different sources of protein and thus offer different levels of protein. You should decide what is most suitable for your dog after taking his/her health and age into account. For instance, puppies require high protein dog food, as do dogs that are pregnant or lactating. Low protein dog food is normally recommended to dogs that are undergoing specific health problems. Normally, diseases related to the renal system require dogs to be on a low protein diet. Exercise caution while choosing a high protein diet for your pet to ensure that the sources of protein are usable and easily digestible by your pet.

Canine Lymphoma, Lymph Node Swelling | Canine Lymph Size Treatment, Cost

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:32 am

Canine Lymphoma

Dog lymph problems may be of various kinds and should be treated immediately because your dog’s lymph glands are responsible for protecting his body against invasion by bacteria and viruses. When your dog’s lymph glands become enlarged therefore, it is evidence of the fact that your dog is fighting an infection. Lymph glands protect your dog’s body by producing lymphocytes or white blood cells that are responsible for fighting any invading viral or bacterial agent. When your dog’s lymph glands are triggered thus, they become inflamed as a response to the infection. Dog’s have various lymph glands located all over their bodies. These lymph glands can be divided into two types – external and internal. Swelling in external lymph glands can be detected easily as they can be easily located during a physical exam. Swelling in internal lymph glands may only be detected through exploratory surgery as your veterinarian may not be able to easily palpate them. Swollen lymph nodes in dogs may be indicative of various serious disorders and should thus be attended to immediately. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from enlarged lymph nodes, consult your veterinarian about possible courses of treatment immediately.

The areas where swelling can generally be observed is the area beneath the jaw, around the shoulder and near the joints of the legs. In addition, dogs can also suffer from swollen nodes in the area near the groin and this may make defecation difficult. Swollen lymph node in dog’s groin may be the result of a local infection or a more serious disorder and should be attended to immediately. Some of the most commonly affected lymph glands in your dog are the ones located in the region where the jaw meets the throat. If there are swollen glands in dogs throat, therefore, it is indicative of a local infection. Swelling of the glands in the throat could be the result of a sinus infection, tooth abscess or even salivary gland infection. In most cases, when the underlying infection is treated, swollen lymph glands will return to their normal size. Very often however, swollen lymph nodes are also the result lymphoma and this can be confirmed with the help of a few simple tests. One of the most common ways in which dog lymphoma is diagnosed is through fine needle aspiration. During fine needle aspiration, some fluid from the swollen lymph gland is taken out and sent to a pathologist for evaluation.

Make Dog Vomit Using Hydrogen Peroxide, Salt | Induce Vomiting in Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:23 am

Make Dog Vomit

Dogs are one of the most lovable domestic pets and are highly regarded for their undying loyalty and affection. Because of their natural hunting skills, most breeds of canine will also make very good watch dogs. As with any pet owner, it is always rather heart wrenching to see your beloved animal suffer from any kind of medical ailment or discomfort. When the symptoms of the same are rather apparent, it can be a rather scary situation. Vomiting in humans is generally a sign that something has not been digested properly; disagrees with the digestive system or simply the result of a bug or infection in the digestive tract. The causes of the occurrence in dogs will have more or less the same grounding. However, it is not uncommon to attempt to induce dog vomiting if it is seen as a medically beneficial step in the efforts to nullify some other ailment. For example, one way of getting some indigestible object out of the animals body is to give the animal a laxative while the other is to induce vomiting. Some of the more common instances when inducing a dog to vomit include the animal swallowing an acid, alkali, heavy duty cleaner or solvent; ingestion of some kind of petroleum products as well as a phase in which the animal appears to be going through a phase of severe depression or comatose.

One of the first steps to take when you feel that induction of dog vomiting may be required to help the animal is to identify the object or substance consumed. If you approach a veterinarian for help, this is probably one of the first questions they will ask you. Depending on the kind of object or substance consumed, the seriousness of the condition is likely to vary along with the window of opportunity that the veterinarian has to work in – especially if the substance ingested is highly poisonous. One of the best methods of inducing vomiting in dog is to place a single half teaspoon of salt towards the back of the tongue. Another very efficient method would be to give the animal a single teaspoon of ipecac syrup for every 10 pounds body weight of the dog or ever 3% hydrogen peroxide solution in three teaspoons every ten minutes. You could also try mixing an activated charcoal tablet with 2 teaspoons of water as it helps prevent the onset of toxins from reaching the bloodstream by absorbing or deactivating the poison.

Read on Dog Vomiting Yellow Mucus

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