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Symptoms and Signs of Sick Cat | Sickness in Cats

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Symptoms of Cat Sickness:

The issue of symptoms of sick cat is a tough one because there are so many possible symptoms of sickness in cats and, often, the less obvious ones are simply overlooked. There are obvious signs of a sick cat such as the appearance of lesions which could imply a number of things such as parasitic worms or some kind of allergy. There could be other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea or it could be simply that the cat visibly looks sick. The cat could have lost weight and its coat could be unhealthy. Overt problems are usually picked up on by their owners, yet there is always the possibility of mistaking a serious illness for a minor one or simply misdiagnosing the cat. This is a possibility even with a veterinarian involved because it is simply impractical to order a full battery of tests for the cat when presented with seemingly minor symptoms. Misdiagnosis is often too common and one could always be mistaken about symptoms. For instance, there is the possibility of believing that the cat is sick or is simply overweight when the cat is in the early stages of pregnancy.

Then again there are subtle signs of sick cat, which are often not noticed till the problem becomes severe. For instance, it is easy not to notice that one’s pet cat has not been as active of late or is disinclined to move about much. With cats spending a large part of their days sleeping, it is easy for such signs to go completely unnoticed. It helps if owners look for signs of listlessness, depression or growing lethargy to catch problems early. Behavioral changes are often common in cats experiencing health problems. Symptoms often involve regular habits of your cat such as visits to the kitty litter box or when it comes to eating. Changes in such behavior, such as lesser frequency or increased frequency, could be a sign of trouble. In some cases, sickness might have no obvious physical symptoms in your cat but behaviors might be different or the owner simply suspects that something is off. The cat’s coat is typically another good indicator of the cat’s state of health as sickness invariably shows up quite noticeably. As you can tell, looking for signs of a sick cat is never really simple and it is best to trust your instinct in such cases.