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Dog Growing Too Fast | Dog Growing Stages | Dog Growth Rate

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Dog Growing Too Fast

There are several first time pet owners, who often wonder if their pet dogs are growing at the pace that they are supposed to or if their dog’s growing too fast. Just as in the case of human beings, there are various dog growing stages too. Most puppies go through predictable stages, while they mature. Although the growth stages differ slightly for each breed, the general timeline will be more or less the same. Being aware of the various dog growing stages is important for every single pet owner, to know what to expect at different stages. If you are a pet owner it can also help you in planning any socialization and training activities for your puppy. It is also very important for you to monitor your dog’s growth, so as to assess if your dog is growing too fast or too slow. It isn’t uncommon for us to wish that our babies or pets would stay small for a bit longer, so it is normal to fell that your dog is growing too fast, but more often than not this is not the case.

There could be several reasons for a dog growing too fast. At times, this rapid growth can be caused by the diet that your dog is on. Puppies or younger dogs that are regularly fed foods that are very high in calories may grow at a faster rate than seems normal. Therefore, before planning a diet, it is important to consult a veterinarian and find out about the total caloric intake that is recommended for your dog, along with the recommended doses of calcium, protein, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. An overdose of any nutrient is just as harmful as the lack of it. Therefore, make sure that your dog follows a healthy and balanced diet. Dog treats should be restricted to certain occasions only, or during training sessions, as they could add to your pet’s caloric intake of the day, leading to problems, where you may see your dog growing too fast.

Apart from a rich diet, there may be other factor that causes dog growing at a rapid rate. This includes certain conditions such as

  • Hypertrophic Osteodystrophy (HOD): HOD is a very painful bone disease that affects young puppies that belong to the “large dog” breed. While treating this condition, anti-inflammatory medicines, antibiotics & painkillers are prescribed for the dog. Certain steroids and supplements may be also be used in the treatment. During this time, the dog should be strictly on bed rest.
  • Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD): This disease usually affects the joint cartilage in larger dogs. Treating this condition could either require strict rest and medication or surgery, depending on the dog’s age & medical condition.
  • Panosteitis (Pano): Pano refers to a painful bone disease that affects young dogs. Though there is no specific treatment for this condition, painkillers may be prescribed to control the pain.

Never give your dog any medication without consulting a vet. In case you notice any health problems in your pet, please consult a vet immediately.