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Boerboel Dog Breed, Information and Puppies | Names | Nature of Boerboel Dog

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Information on Boerboel Dogs and Puppies

The most common characteristic that will reflect in any Boerboel dog breed info is that the Boerboel dog breed is a very intelligent dog. Dogs of this breed are also generally very strong and are known for their fearless nature and intelligence. Boerboel dog information also states that this breed of dogs is known to be very gentle, playful and affectionate with its family besides being an excellent guard dog as well. Boerboel puppies since a very young age itself develop a very strong sense or territoriality which makes it almost impossible for any stranger to surpass them. Hence as part of training Boerboel puppies one should always ensure that they are socialised with family members and neighbours as early as possible. The cost of the Boerboel puppy today is quite high as compared to other breeds of dogs as this breed is now considered to be one of the rarest dog breeds.

As per Boerboel dog breed information, the Boerboel is found to be dog breed that has a muscular and robust appearance. This breed is known to be heavily built and also have a strong head and a powerful neck that is proportionate to its body. The square look of the muzzle of the Boerboel dog breed is because of the short but string jaws and muzzle as well as the well filled out cheeks. The coat of the Boerboel dog is known to be either fawn red, brown, black with some white markings that may be found on its chest.  A pure bred Boerboel puppy will have a docked up, short tail which has well pigmented and thick skin. As far as its personality is concerned , Boerboel puppies are known to obedient, reliable and overall fearless, The dog is observed to have a sixth sense of sorts when it comes to sensing that its family is in danger.

The Boerboel dog breed is known to be aggressive and protective towards its family but at the same time can also be very loving and gentle. However, although the Boerboel dog breed is known to be good around children it would be advisable to avoid leaving the dog alone or unattended with small children. The Boerboel dog information also states that this breed of dogs is not suited to be kept as an apartment pet because it requires plenty of exercise being a hunting dog. Nowadays many owners who have just got a Boerboel puppy can also access Boerboel dog names that are commonly used on the internet if they need to.