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Calm Spooky Horse | Calming a Spooky Horse | How To Calm Spooky Horse

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Calm Spooky Horse

Horses are very beautiful animals and great companions if you can afford to care for one. Sometimes horses get spooky, anxious and hyperactive when they are overfed. Very often even after being trained to be tame they can get nervous about something and get agitated. This can be very dangerous for the rider and any one around the horse, so it is important to calm the horse down quickly. The way a horse reacts depends on its surroundings and the reaction of its human counterpart. Horses are somewhat restless by nature and some are easily startled. So one of the first things you could do when trying to calm spooky horse down is give the horse a nice rub on the neck and its back this will let the horse know that you are there and you will not let anything harm it.

Since a horse’s reaction depends on the reaction of its human counterpart it is important for the person handling the horse to calm down. For calming a spooky horse, the first thing you need to do is separate the horse from the person or situation that is bothering it. If you can’t do that then move to the next step, which is ensuring that the horse does not feel threatened in any way when you approach it. So walk towards it slowly looking at the ground with your hands down by your side. You should avoid any sudden movements as this too can startle the horse. It is also important not to shout and instead try to speak in a soft calm voice. The words you use are not important to the horse as although they may not comprehend your words the horse will react well to the tone you use. Try and get the horse to lower its head by firmly using your hands but not jerking the rein at the same time. Horses relate the head down position with either grazing or lying down to sleep; hence it is easier to calm them down quickly. Continue to pat the horse in a reassuring manner as you notice the stress levels going down. You can gradually release the rein every time the horse does what you want it too. When the horse starts calming down you can reward it by giving it something to eat or its favorite treat.

If you’ve tried all of this but find it very difficult to handle the anxiety you should consider hiring a horse trainer to help you out.

Read on How to Calm Horse Down