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Understanding Cat Behavior | Feline Behavior Problem Training

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Cat Behavior

Cats communicate with one another in many interesting ways, and understanding cat behavior may take a great deal of time, patience and perception, as they are pretty complex creatures. A flick of the tail and a little movement of the ear sends a message. Since their body language is so controlled, humans’ find it difficult to understand. We find it easy to understand cats from the sounds they make. They make a lot of different sounds, the most famous being “The Meow”. This sound when made by little kittens could mean a variety of things such as, they are hungry, feeling cold or they are trying to help their mother find them. As these kittens grow older The Meow is used to grab the owners’ attention. Another sound made by an aggressive, angry or frightened cat is the Hiss. This indicates that you should go no closer to the cat. A sound that sounds a little scary and mournful is the yodeling. This is a sound generally made at night. Female cat in heat makes this sound in order to signal that they are ready to mate.

It is important to understand your cat well in order to train them. You will never be able give cat training for doing something out of the ordinary, but teach it to adapt those behaviors. If your cat is very aggressive and destructive, many vets’ will suggest getting a second cat. This is so that the cats energy is focused on the new cat. If your cat attacks you for no reason and without any warning you have to get it examined by the vet. Many cats react in this way, as there is something wrong but don’t know how to explain it. This behavior could be related to a hormonal imbalance, pain or a problem with the nervous system. Cats are very finicky eaters so you need to learn to put your foot down and teach your pet to eat the food that is given to it. Most cats will eat the same kind of food more than once a day all their lives as long as it tastes good. Cats by nature are considered to be very clean animals. As kittens they are instinctively cover their waste in order to keep parasites away and not attract other cats due of the scent. This is not a behavior they learn by watching their mothers, as the mother never eliminates near the nest. Surprisingly if you put a little kitten in the litter box it might just eliminate there and cover up the mess.