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My Cat Kneads A Lot | Cat Kneading Too Much Continuously

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 3:27 am

My Cat Kneads A Lot

Cats are one of the most popular domestic pets all over the world and although they have a reputation of being fairly independent minded and unconcerned about their owners apart from getting their feed, cats can actually grow very attached to the humans they live with and may at times demand their attention. At heart, cats are actually very affectionate animals but they are just not as expressive of their affection, and they don’t appreciate our methods of expression that may often seem constraining or threatening to them.  Kneading is a common habit in cats that is a part of how they communicate their feelings. However, at times, the actions can be quite irritating for the master, especially if performed on a consistent basis. One of the primary reasons why most owners will regularly think to themselves ‘my cat kneads a lot’ is the fact that the tendency actually developed from when it was a kitten and kneading the mother’s teats while feeding as a baby helps stimulate the let down response, allowing the milk to flow more freely. Factors like this play a substantial role in the cat’s adulthood and mannerisms. If you notice that your cat kneads continuously ever since he or she was a kitten, then this might be the primary cause for the habit. Another factor that should be considered is that the animal may simply be marking its territory and trying to push you away from an area that it considers to be its own.

Read more on why do cats knead

Because of the tendency for cats to knead excessively, there are a number of methods employed all over the world to rid them of the habit. Since most cats knead continuously, getting some information on natural ways to stop the habit is not hard to come by on the internet. One way of accomplishing this is to lay the cat down and as soon as you see it start to knead, pull the animal down and say ‘no’. After a few days of doing this, the animal associates the action of kneading with a rather undesirable reaction of being pulled down and therefore stops doing so. Any options when it comes to training your kitty to stop kneading will always revolve around devising some kind of uncomfortable experience for the animal. For example, some people will choose to spray some water into the animals face when it starts to knead. This will have very much the same effect. Also keep in mind that a cat kneading is also a show of contentment, so make sure you understand what you are punishing.

Cat Kneading Behavior, Meaning, Habit | Why Do Cats Knead

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:23 am

Cat Kneading

Cat kneading can seem strange and confusing to the uninitiated cat owner. But there is little that cats do that we actually truly understand. Much of their activity is shrouded in mystery, probably just the way they’d want it. The fact is that cats are truly wild, and although you may domesticate them, you can never tame one. They will always retain their independence and unique personality and behavioral traits.

Cat kneading is not as inexplicable a cat behavior as it may seem. You’ve probably seen your cat do it a hundred times before, and pondered over it, wondering ‘why do cats knead?’ There are explanations for this behavior and for the most part it is believed to be a positive expression. You would have most likely seen your cat begin kneading its favorite pillow or blanket, before settling down in its comfy spot. If you haven’t already noticed cats can be pretty picky and have strong and distinctive likes and dislikes; right down from food to sleeping places. Cats often tend to knead the spot they are about to settle down in and may even begin purring contently when doing so. At times they may even extend their claws whilst kneading. This can be a wee bit unpleasant if it’s your lap or tummy that is receiving the kneading. But if it is any consolation this is a sign of affection!

One theory to explain this peculiar behavior suggests that kneading may be an evolutionary left over. The wild ancestors of the modern cat would tread down or knead grass foliage to create a temporary nesting space. The other theory is that this behavior is in some way a remnant of a newborn kitten’s behavior of kneading at the mother’s teats to facilitate or encourage milk secretion. Most cats also tend to purr when kneading, and the same behavior is also observed in kittens, who also tend to fall asleep after kneading. This behavior in adult cats would generally indicate feelings of comfort and security. If your cat nestles up to you and starts kneading your lap, arm, or belly it’s just feeling safe and comfortable and most probably intends to settle down for some petting or a nap.

Another possible explanation for the behavior at times may be attributed to the presence of scent glands in the pads of their feet towards the claws. This reasoning basically implies that it could also be a behavior to mark territory. In all likelihood a cat kneading is influenced by all of these factors, not any single one.