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Cat Gestation Period, Stages | Cat Pregnancy Length | How Long are Cats Pregnant

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , , , , , , — Ashley @ 1:45 am

Cat Gestation

Other than how many kittens a pregnant cat would be delivering, the most likely question about cat pregnancy is: how long are cats pregnant. The usual cat gestation period is 58 to 65 days, that is, about nine weeks or a little over two months. However, the cat can have a normal delivery approximately five days before or after the stipulated date too. So, over all, the cat pregnancy period can be as short as 58 days or go up to 70 days. If the owner is breeding the cat, he will be able to keep a check on the gestation period. But, if the cat is in heat, meets an unneutered male cat and has an unplanned pregnancy, there are chances that the owner will discover it after about three weeks. This is because the cat will not show any signs or symptoms of pregnancy for about three weeks after breeding, and her abdomen will bulge only a couple of weeks before she gives birth to kittens. If one finds the cat’s nipples getting softer, rosier and warmer, it should serve as the first sign of pregnancy. Other than that, the cat’s appetite increases, it gets more affectionate, gains weight, and suffers from morning sickness. If all these signs are visible, the cat must be taken to the veterinarian to confirm pregnancy.

Cat Pregnancy Tips

Even though cats are self sufficient during pregnancy, it is very important to give the pregnant cat the right care throughout the pregnancy period. One important pet health fact about a cat’s pregnancy is that she must be kept indoors as much as possible throughout the cat gestation length as she can be on heat during pregnancy as well. She can have two different sets of litter at the same time. Anyway, kittens must be delivered only in a warm environment. The cat must be fed nutritious food high in proteins and calcium. To ensure that the cat produces a healthy litter, one can mix cat food with a premium kitten food as it has more calcium, fat and protein than regular cat food.  Other than specific pregnancy tips, the owner needs to keep general pet health care in mind during pregnant cat care. She must not have fleas or intestinal worms as she can pass them on to the kittens through her womb or milk. It always helps to have your cat checked by a vet regularly to prevent any pet health issues especially during pregnancy.