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Dog Stomach Cancer - Causes, Signs and Symptoms | Tumor and Lump

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , , — Nick @ 12:57 am

Dog stomach cancer is one of the rarest forms of cancers seen in dogs. Dog stomach cancer accounts for only 1% of all kinds of cancers found in the species. This cancer is usually found in older dogs. It has also been found in studies that male dogs are more susceptible to dog stomach cancer than females. There are many different cancers that are found in dogs. The most common kind of cancer in the stomach is adenocarcinoma. This often metastasizes to the other organs of the digestive system. Dogs suffering from adenocarcinomas in the stomach are often seen to develop tumors in the lungs, liver, and the lymph nodes as well. Since this is a cancer that is primarily found in the glands of the animal, it is common to find it in other glands of the body as well.

Dog Stomach Cancer Tumor

A dog stomach cancer tumor is usually a mast cell tumor. Mast cell tumors are extremely common in the dogs. Mast cells are a part of dog’s immune system. These cells come into play when there is inflammation or allergy in the dog’s body. The tumors, since they consist of mast cells, secrete a lot of heparin and histamines among other biochemical fluids. When these chemicals are produced in excess, it can damage the body. A leiomyosarcoma is another kind of dog stomach cancer. These cancers form in the cells of the outer walls of the organs. The GI tract is most commonly affected by these tumors.

Dog Stomach Cancer Causes, Signs and Symptoms

Dog stomach cancer causes include adulterated foods, unhealthy lifestyle, hereditary conditions, and other illnesses that have been associated with cancers. Dog stomach cancer symptoms are usually dependent on the kind of cancer that the dog experiences. These cancers cause a lot of damage to the dog. A dog stomach cancer lump is usually the most common of all symptoms and can be felt by the veterinarian when giving the dog a complete physical examination. Other signs include weight loss, low activity, and listlessness in the dog.

If you begin to see the initial dog stomach cancer signs like blood in stools or vomit, discomfort, swollen nodes or lumps in the abdomen, take your dog to the vet immediately. The vet will give a complete blood work to the dog and perform some additional tests in an attempt to ascertain whether or not the dog does suffer from cancer. There are some breeds that are genetically predisposed to dog stomach cancer. These are mastiffs, boxer, bulldogs, St. Bernards, and Scottish terrier.