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Dog Training Issues, Problems | Canine Behavior, Crate Training Problems

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Problems in Dog Training

Dogs have been domesticated for centuries and have now become a very regular feature of society’s fabric. They are probably the most common household pet through the world and are renowned for their affectionate nature as well as their intensely protective nature towards their owners or handlers. While each dog has its own personality and character traits, one will see a number of common tendencies between two dogs of the same breed. For example, Dobermans are naturally known to be of the more aggressive type while the smaller dogs such as pugs are usually very docile. As a result, dog training plays a very important role in preparing the canine to properly accomplish the tasks it is required by its owner to perform. While the pets will mainly offer a great deal of companionship, some owners may demand more focus on other abilities such as for security, hunting or even law enforcement.  The primary purpose of dog training is to make sure that the owner or handler has the dog in control not matter what situation it is. Just as with young toddlers, training puppies requires a lot of patience as they are likely to be a little confused about what is expected of them initially. One of the most important bits of dog training advice would be to make sure that you avoid any use of physical punishment toward the animal if you start to get frustrated with the animals ability. The dog will learn to perform the required action in due course, but needs to be coaxed and rewarded for the effort it puts in.

If no training is imparted at an early age, the dog will grow up following its natural instinct – which could result in a household pet being more ferocious than it should be. As a result, obedience training is one of the most widely sought after of dog training tips. Something important to keep in mind is to avoid excessively practicing a recall on your dog as one common dog training problem that develops is that the animal tends to tune you out if it has repeatedly shown no interest in the command. Any successful dog training is based heavily on mutual trust and respect between the animal and handler. Once a bond has developed between the two and the handler is able to comprehend the signals given out by the animal indicating emotions such as happiness, anger, irritation and fear, the handler will find that the dog is much easier to train and more obedient.