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Good Dog Training | Best Secrets, Tips, Techniques to Train Dogs

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:47 am

Good Dog Training

Dogs are a great animal to have as a domestic pet. Raising and taking dog care can, however, be a challenging job. It is essential right from an early age that your dog gets behavior training from you. This will establish the dog’s behavior patterns for its whole life and is the difference between a loving and manageable pet and a crazy dog that makes your life difficult.

Good dog training begins with an establishment of superiority on your part. You should train your dog in such a way that it knows you are the master of the house. This will help your dog be obedient more often and is important if you ever want to have control over your dog. Beating your dog to train it is not recommended and can be illegal. This will simply create fear rather than adulation in your dog’s mind. When you are training your dog, you can use the theory of reinforcement in order to win your dog over. Reinforcement is the theory that when a desirable action is performed, then a prize is offered and when the action is not performed, the prize is withdrawn. It is extremely important to use this technique with consistency as it will confirm the connection in your dog’s head between a good action and a prize.
When this basic training is being conducted, you should incorporate some regular words that can be understood by your dog. Using the same word every time you want your dog to stop doing something can be understood by your dog over a period of time. Establishing these words is important because when you have visitors and other family members around your dog, it is easy to control it. A simple word like ‘stop’ or ‘no’ can be used as dogs are intelligent enough to understand this.

You can consult the web or some books for other dog training tips and dog training secrets. The real key to making your dog behave well is that your dog should respect you. This requires you to spend a lot of time with your dog playing and generally fooling around. Dogs love to get rid of their pent up energy and enjoy socializing with their owners. A simple half hour spent with your dog everyday can make it less irritable and better behaved because it feels secure around you. Dogs that are generally ignored will not be easy to command.

Best Dog Training Tips | Methods, Secrets of Canine Training

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:39 am

Dog Training Techniques

Given the fact that dogs are probably the most common of household pets, it is sometimes essential to somewhat curb their natural instincts in order to make them more adaptable to human society. Just like any human being, the mentality and natural character of each dog is different from another, even within the same breed. The level of training required to curb certain character inflections such as aggression and disobedience will depend largely on the intensity of their natural character. Dog training tips are vast and sometimes very contradictory because of the fact that different dogs need to be approached in a different way added to the fact that a variety of trainers have their own preferred methods of accomplishing the task. Some goals to achieve when imparting the training include building a strong owner – canine relationship that is heavily based on mutual respect and trust, getting the animal to retain its outgoing nature and developing its social skills and ability to make new friends, nurture and improve the animals senses and natural instincts as well as making sure the handler or owner has the confidence to be able to control his animal in any situation. Just as with children, puppies can be very confused initially, however, it is important that dog training methods are void of any acts that inflict animal cruelty or violence.

The biggest and probably most important of dog training secrets is the fact that the key to good training lies in effective communication between the handler and the animal. The animal will continuously give out signals indicating its mood – showing displeasure, fear, irritation and happiness – but it is important that the handler understands and acknowledges these signals in order to build and reinforce a bond with the animal. It is also important that the handler show a great deal of patience, especially in the first few sessions of dog training as the entire process involves a significant amount of character change to the animals natural tendencies. Just as it is important to avoid using physical punishment on a dog, it is important to regularly reward them for a task accomplished to the handler’s satisfaction. Giving the dog its favorite treat just after it has performed the required action will let the animal know that it has done what was required in the right manner. While most dog lovers will love their dog equally whether it has been trained or not, living with a trained dog is much easier as it is within the masters control to a more significant extent than one that is allowed to grow solely on its natural instinct.