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Giant Schnauzer Dog | Facts and Information | Lifespan of Giant Schnauzer

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , — Nick @ 1:14 am

The Giant Schnauzer dog is a big dog and is one of the biggest of the three schnauzer breeds there are. This is a very old breed in Europe and has also been called Oberlanders. There are periods of history when the population of the breed was drastically reduced, threatening its existence. This dog is also the giant version of the standard Schnauzer.

Giant Schnauzer Dog Facts and Information

This breed tends to be as long as it is tall, giving it a squarish appearance. It has a strong, rectangular head with the muzzle as long as the forehead. It has definite teeth that meet in a scissors’ bite and brown eyes. The ears tend to be high and stand tall over the head. These dogs are most certainly not suited to an apartment life.

Information and facts on Giant Schnauzer dog tells us that it makes a great guard dog. Its tremendous size acts as a big advantage to its guard dog role. It has a huge relentless bark once it spots an intruder. It is a big dog, with a wiry outer coat and soft inner coat. The dog comes in colors like grey or black. It tends to weight between 70 to 100 pounds and can grow to about 28 inches. They can live for up to 12 to 15 years.

As it is a large breed, and like most large breeds it needs a lot of exercise. As this dog breed tends to be a reserved dog, it is important to socialize the Giant Schnauzer dog when it is a puppy. Puppies tend to nip at a young age so they have to be discouraged from doing that. It is a breed that is very aware of its owner and will not let lose the minute the leash has been snapped off. It is a very aware breed. If this dog gets bored, it tends to very destructive. This breed of dog also loves water so you might want to keep that in mind when it steps out of a bath.

Like any breed of dog, the Giant Schnauzer dog also has its own nutritional requirements for its diet. It has a reasonably long list of possible illnesses that can happen to this breed. Some of the illnesses that can happen are autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, hip dysplasia, incontinence, tow cancer and gastric torsion.

This dog can also be trained to participate in different events like obedience, carting, tracking and herding events.