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Pet Health Problems, Symptoms | Pet Health Care Treatment

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:48 am

Pet Health Issues:

A healthy pet can be a wonderful companion but will require careful and patient care to keep him/her in optimum health. Each species and breed is susceptible to certain kinds of health issues and the owner needs to look out for early signs of these conditions so that treatment can begin as soon as possible. Unfortunately, ignored signs of pet disease can usually become fatal for the pet concerned. Every breed also has specific requirements; for instance, some dogs that are naturally hyperactive require large open spaces to romp in and lots of play time lest your tiny garden gets remodeled every time the pet is let out. So choosing a pet should also involve careful consideration of the home environment and so on.

There are a few symptoms which are indicative of the onset of a deadly disease in most pets and these are a loss of appetite, acute weight loss or a steep weight gain, an unusual amount of water consumption, sudden changes in behavior such as viciousness or lethargy, a dull, ragged coat, constipation or diarrhea, unusual shaking of the head, excessive scratching, licking or biting some parts of the body, discharge from the nose, eyes, mouth and other openings of the body, limping, difficulty while lying down or getting up, abnormal lumps, foul breath and too much tartar on the teeth. Cancer is one disease that attacks a lot of pets and the symptoms include an offensive odor, bleeding from body openings, reluctance to exercise and a lack of stamina, difficulty in breathing and swallowing, sores that refuse to heal and so on apart from the symptoms mentioned earlier. Rabies can be a pet health problem and since it is difficult to keep track of mild injuries, nips and bites your pet may have incurred from another animal, it is necessary to keep them vaccinated regularly along with all the other necessary shots. In case the pet is bitten by another animal, they will have to be revaccinated and kept under strict observation for a month and a half. Ear mites are another common pet health problem. These pests are found in the animal’s ears and it is only once the infestation is very advanced that owners usually note the signs. A regular examination by your veterinarian is the only way to prevent an infestation as the chances of it spreading deep into the ear and affecting the brain, causing convulsions and death is a possibility. Take care of your pet’s oral hygiene with regular visits to the veterinarian to remove plaque from the teeth. Avoid feeding your pet junk food, and try to steam a few vegetables and add it to a well cooked meat or fish diet. Do take care to remove sharp bones though as it can prove harmful for your pet.

Pet Health Symptoms | Signs of Pet Diseases | Identify Pet Health Problems

Filed under: Pet Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 11:34 pm

Pet Health Signs:

When it comes to health, both humans and their pets respond similarly to disease and ailments. Our pets’ bodies respond to illnesses in a fashion similar to ours. When they are young, the pet health issues they face are very different from the ones they experience when they are older. An experienced vet can help you deal with most of the ailments that your pets have. However, in order to know whether it is time to take your pet to the vet or not, it is important that you know of the symptoms of ill health in your pets. There are many reasons why your pet may fall sick. Here’s what you should keep an eye out for.

  • Fitness levels: Depending on your pet’s age, the daily activity levels may differ. Just like people, pets also have different temperaments and different levels of activity. However, their fitness largely depends on their age and their breed. Recent research has shown that dogs that become overweight are more susceptible to different disorders.
  • Observe closely whether your pet is gaining or losing weight. If your pet is getting older, it is important to observe whether they are able to maintain their normal activities. There may be a health problem if you see your pet struggling to sit down, get up, climb the stairs, or leap. It is okay if their movements have slowed down because of old age, otherwise it is time to take your pet to the doctor.
  • Diarrhea and Vomiting: Your pet may vomit if they have a stomach upset or have eaten something they shouldn’t have. A one time episode of diarrhea or vomiting is normal and could mean that the pet’s body is getting itself used to the change in food or weather. However, if your pet is vomiting or passing loose stools repeatedly, this could be a symptom of an illness.
  • Scratching Excessively: Though pets may scratch themselves occasionally to get rid of an itch, if they are scratching vigorously and continuously, it could be because of a parasitic infestation. Fleas, ticks and other parasites can easily attack your pet. Also get your pet checked for any bacterial, viral or yeast infections. These infections are easier to spot since they cause inflammation of the skin, redness or loss of hair in patches.
  • Inability to eat: Inability to eat is another symptom that you should look out for. If your pet does not seem interested in its food or is unable to eat, get it checked thoroughly. This could be a sign of a serious ailment.