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Homeopathy for Pets

 Submitted by Michael Adams on April 26, 2010

Homeopathy is a form of alternate medicine. It uses a different approach to treat illnesses and diseases than conventional medicine and medication. Homeopathy for pets uses the same concept as in homeopathy for humans.

In homeopathy, a small dose of medication is given with the intention of stimulating the immune system into fighting the virus or illness that is affecting the person, or in this case, the animal.

In pet homeopathy, natural items like seeds, herbs, minerals, and flowers, among others are used as components of medications. A major advantage claimed by proponents of homeopathy is the lack of any side effects that might be associated with conventional medical intervention.

Because the homeopathic medicine is attempting to stimulate the immune system, the actual recovery is being performed by the immune system itself which is a natural process that does not cause any side effects. The lack of side effects means that homeopathy can be applied to all types of pets regardless of their age or their physical condition.
Homeopathy for dogs involves taking your dog to a trained homeopathy practitioner who will go through your dog’s health history with you as well as the symptoms that are noticed or that you have noticed. One will have to go through the same process when using homeopathy for cats.

Once the history is complete, you will be prescribed any number of homeopathic solutions. You should not feed your pet before administering the homeopathic medication. You can feed your pet more than an hour after medication but not before. Note that some medications may exacerbate the symptoms temporarily. This is a part of the process of stimulating the pet’s immune response into action. You should also make sure that during the treatment, no other medication is given to your pet. Medications can interfere with each other and cause catastrophic side effects. You will also need to run your pet supplements by your doctor before feeding any of these to your pet. During homeopathic treatment, it is necessary to follow a natural diet and avoid any processed foods.

While there may be no medical side effects in homeopathic treatment, the treatment may cause or aggravate already existing symptoms such as diarrhea. Homeopathic doctors argue that this is a sign of the body cleansing itself and is a sign of the healing process commencing. This may not happen in all dogs and cats but is known to occur.     

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