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Cat Care

Cat Care Tips

 Submitted by Michael Adams on May 12, 2010

Dealing with a cat is a completely different process to dealing with a dog. Cats are less social and more self reliant than dogs. Cats also like to be left alone sometimes and tend to be possessive of an area that they consider to be their own.

Cats can get extremely aggressive when you invade their territory.

Cat care tips are available from your local pet doctor. Cats require to be fed regularly, like any other animal, and it is essential to know what type of food works for your cat.

Cats should not be fed like dogs. They should not be given bones as this can damage their oral cavity. Cat food is easily available and if your cat is eating its food regularly, you should not worry about it. Cat also need a lot of water, especially during hot days. Keep an accessible water bowl near your cat’s sleeping area so that it is hydrated. Do not change your cat’s feeding habits drastically. If you want to change the particular type of cat food, do so gradually and not instantly. This instant change may shock your cat’s system.

An essential part of cat health care is vaccination. Cats should be vaccinated at a young age so that they are not vulnerable to normal illnesses that one can easily avoid. A vaccinated cat is also less likely to bring in an infectious disease to the house. Cats are extremely clean animals and can spend hours grooming themselves with their tongues. You should ensure that your cat’s area is kept clean and regularly changed. Cats tend to bury their feces in their kitty litter and it is necessary for someone living in an apartment to clean this litter regularly.

Cleaning your cat is another important aspect of cat care but not one that is easily followed. Cats are generally clean but it may be necessary to bathe your cat from time to time. Make sure that the cat is bathed in warm water, not cold or hot. Also, the cat should be in a place where it has grip. A slippery bath tub will scare your cat. Make sure your bathing is rapid and cover the ears and neck thoroughly. You may need assistance while washing your cat as it can become quite aggressive. Cats tend to groom themselves. However, if you want to avoid hair all over your house, you can gently rub your cat’s skin to remove any lose hair.

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