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Can a Dog Get Fever?

(December 16, 2011)

How to take dog temperature?

Taking the temperature of your dog can be tricky. If your dog is listless and feels warm, you might want to take the dog’s temperature. The normal range for dogs is between 100.5 Fahrenheit to 102.5 Fahrenheit when taken rectally and 100 Fahrenheit to 103 Fahrenheit if taken from the ears.

Often a dog’s temperature is taken from his rectum. When your dog is ill, he will be quite agitated when you want to take his temperature. You need a special thermometer meant to take a god’s temperature from his rectum. You will also need some lubricant like petroleum jelly or baby oil along with some disinfectant like alcohol. Clean the thermometer with alcohol and clean it completely. Then, apply a little lubricant to its tip and slowly insert it into the dog’s rectum. You should have a helper or someone keeping the dog calm at this time. After two minutes or when it beeps remove the thermometer and read the temperature.

You can also take your dog’s temperature from his ear. The temperature in his ear is measured through infrared heat waves from the ear drum. This method is actually measuring the brain temperature which is also an effective way to measure your dog’s temperature. There are special thermometers for animals even to take ear temperatures.

Submitted by N on December 16, 2011 at 04:10


What is normal puppy temperature?

The normal puppy temperature is usually in the range of 94 and 98 degrees Fahrenheit. When puppies are born their temperature is usually 94 degrees. It is important to know the normal temperature for a puppy because puppies are not able to maintain their own idea body temperature range. After a few days from its birth, the body temperature of puppies slowly adjusts itself and increases gradually. This should happen naturally but if it does not newborn puppies face the very real threat of chilling.

In order to keep the puppies from chilling, there are heat lamps that can be used to keep the puppies warm. You can also use heating pads, wrapped in a cloth, to keep the puppies warm. While using heating pads, it is important to constantly monitor the heat because too much heat could burn or even kill the puppies. You can also ensure that the body temperatures of these puppies remain warm by keeping their box out of direct breeze. Keep this box away from direct ventilation and direct sources of breeze like an air conditioner or a window. Sometimes professional breeders even use a whelping nest which has a thermostatically controlled environment which helps keep the puppies warm.

Submitted by N on December 6, 2011 at 10:40


What is the normal temperature of a pregnant dog?

The normal temperature of a pregnant dog is about 101 degrees Fahrenheit to 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature remains through the pregnancy but roughly 24 hours before delivery, the temperature of the dog will drop below the 100 Fahrenheit mark. When the temperature is around 98 degrees Fahrenheit, it means that the dog will mostly deliver within the next 24 hours.

The temperature of the dog when pregnant remains in the high 90s. In the last trimester of the dog’s pregnancy, her temperature will be around 100 degrees Fahrenheit due to increased hormone levels. Keeping track of your dog’s temperature will help you also track the due date well. Keeping track of temperatures through your dog’s pregnancy will help you prepare for that day when your dog will deliver her pups.  

Your dog will show symptoms that she is uncomfortable and might deliver soon. That is a good time to take her temperature.  The dog will start to dig and search for dark places. The dog will breathe deeply and evenly pant, and even wonder what is happening to her. Before this temperature drops, the dog’s temperature might go higher than it has through the pregnancy. If the temperature persists at 98 degrees Fahrenheit for over 48 hours, you should contact the vet.

Submitted by N on November 22, 2011 at 05:10


Dog Has Fever

Yes, a dog can get a fever! Dogs have medical problems, just like human beings do. Unfortunately, they cannot talk and explain how they feel or what the problem is, so we need to look for symptoms or signs, that tell us exactly what the problem is.

It is best to check if your dog has a fever, if:

  • His nose, fur and the back of his ears feel warm
  • He is not his usual, playful self, but seems to be depressed
  • He is indifferent to food  
  • He appears to be lethargic
  • He has a nasal discharge or is coughing
  • He has diarrhea or is vomiting
  • He is shivering
At times, you may also notice symptoms like itching, bloody stools and painful movement.
How to Check Dog Fever

A dog’s body temperature is generally higher than a human’s, so it is normal for your dog to feel a bit warm. A dog’s body temperature is usually between 100° F to 102° F. If you suspect that your dog has fever, it is best for you to take him to a vet, who can check this, with a rectal thermometer. Ideally, you could use a digital thermometer, specifically meant for rectal use in dogs.

In order to check your dog’s temperature, you first need to coat the thermometer with a water-based lubricant, like petroleum gel or even baby oil. Then, you need to gently insert the thermometer about an inch into your dog’s anus and wait for about 60 seconds, for the results to register.

If your dog’s body temperature exceeds 103° F, your dog has a fever. In case your dog’s temperature exceeds 106° F, it is an emergency case and much be treated immediately.

There are a few things that you could do, to help easy your pet’s discomfort, before he is back to normal:
  • Apply a cool napkin on his head, to reduce his fever.
  • Turn down the heat or turn up the air-conditioner in the room that your dog is resting in, as this will help him fight his fever.
  • Avoid sending him outside; keep him indoors, where he can rest peacefully.
  • Give him cool water regularly, to keep him hydrated, as fever can cause dehydration in animals too.
  • Give him a few pieces of ice to suck on. This is will to bring down his fever and it will keep him hydrated.
Dog Fever Treatments

Your vet may need to suggest some antibiotics to stop dog fever. The antibiotics should be prescribed by the vet and can include - Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Cephalixin, Doxycycline or Ketoprofen. Do not give your pet any medication that has not been prescribed by the vet. Medicines like aspirin, that are designed to cure fevers in humans, are not meant for dogs and should be avoided.
Submitted by N M on April 20, 2010 at 11:13


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