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Cat Skin Bruising Causes, Treatments | Bruised Skin in Cats Symptoms

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Skin Bruising in Cats Remedies:

Cats have a thick coat of hair that provides natural protection from external injuries. However, if your cat gets into fights with other cats in the neighborhood, chances are that the soft and relatively unguarded portions of skin around its eyes, nose and ears may get bruised. A miscalculated jump or move may also lead to minor bruises on cat skin that usually heal on their own. Parasitic worms may also cause minor bruises to appear on the skin of your pet if they manage to attach themselves at the base of the dense hair on the cat’s body. A simple way of preventing this from happening is to run your fingers gently over your cat’s entire body and check carefully if there are any mites or fleas on the surface of its skin. It is sufficient to groom your cat daily with a soft hairbrush in order to minimize the chances of parasitic organisms from causing skin infections. Make it a habit to check your cat for fleas and mites in this manner every time it returns from out of doors. You may use a pair of tweezers very carefully if you find any parasitic worms attached to its skin. You should, however, refrain from trying to bathe your cat, as they are quite capable of keeping themselves clean through licking. The saliva of cats contains chemicals that help heal minor wounds and bruises naturally. You may soak a wad of cotton wool in a very mild soap and water solution and apply it gently over cuts and scrapes on the cat’s skin in order to prevent local infections. Bandaging is usually not necessary as the cat’s own hair covers up the wound quite well.

However, if small swollen and red patches appear on the surface of the cat’s skin without any determinable cause or recent injury then there could a more serious underlying problem. Look out for other symptoms like paleness, weakness, loss of appetite and fever in your pet, as these may be signs of an internal hemorrhage of which skin bruises are only one of the outward manifestations. In such a case, you must immediately take your pet to a vet. Bleeding from the gums or the corners of the eyes are also danger signals. Vasculitis, which is the inflammation and damage of blood vessels, low blood platelet count and feline leukemia are some of the major internal causes that could lead to the appearance of bruises on your pet’s skin.