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Holistic Dog Health Remedies, Care, Recipes | Holistic Dog Supplements

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Holistic Dog Remedies

Holistic dog health can be achieved by taking care of every need of one’s pets and these include nutrition and general health. Holistic dog health care not only builds the dog’s strength over a period of time but also aids in its longevity and helps the owner derive the most from its company. Dogs are prone to a lot of diseases that affect their human counterparts such as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, liver disease and so on and the best way to treat these is with a mixture of the holistic approaches as well as a conventional approach. Hence, upon noticing any serious symptoms, it is important to consult the veterinarian immediately.

Holistic Dog Recipes

The key to maintaining natural dog health is to provide them with proper nutrition keeping in mind their overall health, age and other special needs. Dogs can be fed chicken, turkey and beef but their diets must contain an ideal balance of plant and animal nutrients and hence a chicken meal would involve cooking a little brown rice and steaming vegetables like beans, peas, spinach and carrots along with it. Adding half a teaspoon of freshly ground turmeric while cooking the chicken would be an ideal way of getting rid of germs as well if any. Similarly broccoli and cauliflower can form part of their turkey meal along with brown rice. There are several of these recipes available online and pet owners go for these to maintain holistic dog health because many are not sure of the ingredients of commercially available pet food. The quality of the meat, whether from antibiotic fed, hormone injected cattle or from dead and diseased animals has in the past caused some concern and while there are certain brands that a lot of pet owners vouch for, a homemade meal is best for natural dog health. Supplement the dog’s diet with vitamin and mineral supplements as well, but this must be done in conjunction with the vet’s opinions too. Dog health care also involves trying to help out with other health conditions at home. For instance, a concoction can be made at home to boost its general health and immune system. The mixture includes sage, garlic, thyme, rue, wormwood and vegetable charcoal. For mange and other skin infections, a paste made out of turmeric can be applied and alternated with lavender oil or lemon juice. In case of severe injury or illness, consulting the vet is important as dogs can bear a lot of pain and the owners may not be aware of its condition till it gets advanced.