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Horse training methods

Horse Training Methods

Training your horse is no child’s play.

If you have a new foal from a domesticated mare, it may be far simpler to train your horse. However if you have a wild horse on your hands, you may be in for a rough time. Over the years, horse enthusiasts have tried to formulate many different horse training methods which can help ease the training procedure. There are many horse training techniques which you can choose from.

Over the years, ranchers have passed on these horse training secrets and finally, today, these have been compiled into books and instructional guides on training horses. There are many different horse training techniques, most of which can be grouped into two main categories. These two categories are inducement and intimidation. In the intimidation viewpoint, the trainer uses pure brute force to tame the horse.

To break the wild nature of the horse, the trainer should use force with the animal.

On the other hand, the induction techniques prefer compassion in which the trainer makes use only of pacifying gestures so that the horse remains peaceful. The proponents of the inducement methods do not believe in painful coercion. The Pat parelli horse training technique, natural horsemanship, and clicker training methods are all a part of the inducement techniques. Though these two categories of training are fairly distinct, it has been seen that a technique which maps both the methods of intimidation and inducement works the best for training horses. Another great horse training secret is to give a personalized touch to the training routine. Though there are many instructions available on handling and training horses, the best technique is not to follow these instructions to the letter. Instead, you can put your own personal experiences in the training routine, so that the training method isn’t very traditional.

Ideally a humane and mild approach should be worked into a training routine. In fact, the standard procedures on training horses are implicitly humane and nurturing. Since most horse trainers begin training horses when they are still young, it is important to keep the training as gentle as possible. This way the trainer can also mould the horse’s personality to be more gentle and obedient. If coercion practices are used on young horses, their personality becomes either aggressive or extremely timid. Though domesticating a wild horse is a task in itself, it is important to approach it with caution and gentleness.

  Submitted on May 20, 2010