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Dog Training

Training An Agile Dog

 Submitted by Michael Adams on March 4, 2010

Agility training for dogs is a great way to provide an outlet for their natural instinctual behaviors. It allows the dog to utilize his energy and also become well behaved and trained. The physical health of the dog improves and so does his confidence.

He will also become more adept at solving problems and will be more in tune with your commands. Agility training will also keep the dog away from mischief and prevent him for getting into behavioral problems.

There are some dog breeds which respond better to agility training.

These include those dogs that have come from working breeds such as herding breeds, shepherds, spaniels, terriers and retrievers. These dogs are physically more suited for such training than larger breeds such as mastiffs or great danes. Large dog breeds become tired very quickly and are also not naturally suited for such activity. Small dogs may also experience problems during agility training as their shorter legs may not allow them to clear obstacles properly. The dog must also be of the right age, and waiting for about one year to start the training is advisable. If you find that your dog is extremely energetic and athletic, then chances are that he will take very well to agility training. Obedience training must be done prior to agility training as this will enable your dog to listen closely to you during the activities. Teaching the dog to obey commands such as those to go fast or slow, or to turn right or left and to understand hand signals is important before beginning agility training.

You can train the dog by yourself, by investing in some equipment and having a basic understanding of how it is done. This would be a good way to spend some enjoyable time with your dog. There are also many agility training classes which will introduce you to the basic equipment that is required and will also teach you various techniques to train your pet. You can choose from a variety of equipment that is available. Each obstacle also has varying levels of difficulty and is designed to enhance the various skills of the dog. Dog agility training courses usually have obstacles such as weave poles, A-frames, dog walks, tunnels, teeter-totters and jumps and climbs. However, you can also train your dog using simple obstacles such as teaching him to crawl under a fallen tree trunk or log or jumping over rocks.

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