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Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia In Dogs: Symptoms and Treatment

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 2:08 am

Most of us are familiar with the word leukemia and are aware that it is some sort of a cancer that affects people. It is also a fairly well-known fact that leukemia is a serious condition that can be fatal. There are many different types of leukemia, which can affect not just humans, but also canines. One of the most dangerous conditions that can affect your dog is lymphocytic leukemia.

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia in dogs is a serious medical condition, where their bodies produce an excessive amount of white blood cells, while there is a deficit of other important blood cells. This usually occurs because of mutations in the bone marrow. Unlike acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic lymphocytic leukemia in dogs is a slow progressing disease. For this reason, most dogs are diagnosed with the condition only during the later years of their lives. Typically this would be when they are around 10 years or so. Instances of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in puppies are quite rare.

Symptoms of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia In Dogs

Since this condition progresses at a slow rate, the symptoms are usually noticed only in the later stages. Some of the symptoms of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in dogs include –

• Anorexia, loss of appetite and severe weight loss
• Increased tendency to bruise and bleed
• Lethargy
• Lymphadenopathy or swollen lymph nodes
• Mild anemia, characterized by pale gums
• Polydipsia (increase in thirst)
• Polyuria (increase in the frequency of urination)
• Recurrent infections, which do not heal very easily
• Splenomegaly or an enlarged spleen

Many dogs have been diagnosed with this medical condition, without displaying any prior symptoms. In more than 50% of all cases, the condition is detected during a routine blood test. If, for any reason, you suspect that your dog may be suffering from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, rush him to a vet immediately. To confirm that your pet does indeed have this condition, your doctor may need a complete blood count, as well as –

• X-rays of the abdominal areas and the chest,
• Biochemical profiles,
• Bone marrow tests,
• Urine analysis, and
• Tissue aspiration from the lymph nodes and abdominal organs.

Once the vet confirms that your dog suffers from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, you may be asked to consult a veterinary oncologist, certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Your vet should be able to recommend one, if required.

Depending upon the severity of the condition and the rate at which it is progressing, the oncologist may recommend chemotherapy for your pet. Some dogs can go on for up to 2 years without chemotherapy. Your dog will also need to be given medication that reduces the quantity of white cells in the body. These alternate treatment options may also be recommended, but do keep in mind that they cannot eliminate the disease:

• Natural diets and supplements
• Herbal remedies
• Homeopathy

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treatment In Dogs

The main aims of chronic lymphocytic leukemia treatment in dogs are –

• To slow down the progress of the disease,
• To improve the quality of life,
• To relieve the severe symptoms of the condition, and
• To strengthen the immune system, so infections & other complications can be prevented.

You can keep chronic lymphocytic leukemia under control, by ensuring that your pet is monitored by a veterinarian continuously.


• Heather C Workman, William Vernau, Chronic lymphocytic leukemia in dogs and cats: the veterinary perspective, Veterinary Clinics of North America: Small Animal Practice, Volume 33, Issue 6, November 2003, Pages 1379-1399, ISSN 0195-5616, 10.1016/S0195-5616(03)00120-7.


Giant Schnauzer Dog | Facts and Information | Lifespan of Giant Schnauzer

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , — Nick @ 1:14 am

The Giant Schnauzer dog is a big dog and is one of the biggest of the three schnauzer breeds there are. This is a very old breed in Europe and has also been called Oberlanders. There are periods of history when the population of the breed was drastically reduced, threatening its existence. This dog is also the giant version of the standard Schnauzer.

Giant Schnauzer Dog Facts and Information

This breed tends to be as long as it is tall, giving it a squarish appearance. It has a strong, rectangular head with the muzzle as long as the forehead. It has definite teeth that meet in a scissors’ bite and brown eyes. The ears tend to be high and stand tall over the head. These dogs are most certainly not suited to an apartment life.

Information and facts on Giant Schnauzer dog tells us that it makes a great guard dog. Its tremendous size acts as a big advantage to its guard dog role. It has a huge relentless bark once it spots an intruder. It is a big dog, with a wiry outer coat and soft inner coat. The dog comes in colors like grey or black. It tends to weight between 70 to 100 pounds and can grow to about 28 inches. They can live for up to 12 to 15 years.

As it is a large breed, and like most large breeds it needs a lot of exercise. As this dog breed tends to be a reserved dog, it is important to socialize the Giant Schnauzer dog when it is a puppy. Puppies tend to nip at a young age so they have to be discouraged from doing that. It is a breed that is very aware of its owner and will not let lose the minute the leash has been snapped off. It is a very aware breed. If this dog gets bored, it tends to very destructive. This breed of dog also loves water so you might want to keep that in mind when it steps out of a bath.

Like any breed of dog, the Giant Schnauzer dog also has its own nutritional requirements for its diet. It has a reasonably long list of possible illnesses that can happen to this breed. Some of the illnesses that can happen are autoimmune diseases, epilepsy, hip dysplasia, incontinence, tow cancer and gastric torsion.

This dog can also be trained to participate in different events like obedience, carting, tracking and herding events.

Field Spaniel Dog Breeders and Training | Temperament, Grooming and Rescue

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , — Nick @ 12:33 am

The field spaniel is a type of spaniel dog, with the typical spaniel appearance. The dog has a long body, long floppy ears, and lots of fur. This medium-sized dog was originally developed in the late nineteenth century as a show dog. These black colored dogs, with their shining coat, look rather alluring when they are enjoying any kind of physical activity.

Field Spaniel Dog

Since they were typically designed as show dogs, they were not popular as working or hunting dogs. They also have longer legs than the typical spaniel does. Though the field spaniel was very popular in the earlier days, it has become a rare breed now. In the middle of the twentieth century, they were redeveloped with longer legs and a larger body than the typical spaniels. This made them a little more suitable for work, and therefore, the name field spaniel stuck with them.

The field spaniel is a native American breed and is listed as vulnerable due to the fast decreasing numbers. As compared to the other spaniels, they have a lighter coat and have no undercoat at all. They usually come in solid colors, and it is rare to find a field spaniel that has multiple colorings or markings on the body. Apart from being average work dogs, they also make good family companions.

Field Spaniel Breeders and Training

Field spaniel breeders breed in traits of working dogs to make them more useful. As a result, they need some kind of activity to keep them engaged, or they may become bored and destructive. They are patient and gentle with children and therefore, make good family dogs. However, they cannot be left alone without any work as this may cause them to get depressed. Field spaniel training, right from when they are puppies, can help improve temperament a little.

Field Spaniel Temperament, Grooming and Rescue

The field spaniel grooming needs to be regular, owing to the long coat. Field spaniel rescue activities have improved the numbers of these dogs; however, the dog is still considered largely vulnerable. The field spaniel puppy can be trained to hunt and work in the fields to catch rodents and vermin. Field spaniel temperament is gentle and patient, making it a good household dog, when it is kept engaged with some activity.

The English field spaniel, from which the native American field spaniel has been developed, has continued to remain popular, unlike its American cousin. Black field spaniel dogs are usually most common in America.A lot of field spaniel information is available with the Kennel Club as it is listed as a vulnerable species.

Alopekis Dog | Facts and Information | Characteristics of Alopekis

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , — Nick @ 11:44 pm

The Alopekis dog is a small dog that appears like a fox. It has a set of pricked ears, a short and smooth coat, a sickle tail, and a long body. Like a fox, Alopekis dog has a tapering muzzle and swift movements, which can be described as graceful. The dog has a set of strong jaws and developed cheeks, which are not prominent, but not understated either. The dog has unusually large eye orbits, which gives it a very characteristic appearance.

Alopekis Dog Facts and Information

The Alopekis dog has taut lips and round, intelligent eyes. Like most other small dogs, the body of the Alopekis dog is longer than its height. The dog has barrel shaped rib cage is a deep and broad chested. The loins of the dog are broad and the hind quarters are strong and well-rounded as well. It has a sickle shaped tail that is set high and forms an elegant curve. It has a good quality double coat with the outer coat being rather smooth and soft. The dog also has a thick and long jacket around the neck. There are two different varieties of coats in the Alopekis dog. One is the shorthaired variety, and the other is the wiry haired variety. These fur types come in different color combinations.

Since the Alopekis dog is a small dog, it is suited for small spaces in the city. It grows well in apartments and is a great apartment dog. The dog also has a very eager disposition and is highly intelligent. It is healthy and hardy, and does not have too many needs. It can be used as an attentive watchdog and can also be used to catch rodents around the house.

Majority of the Alopekis information and Alopekis facts available in books and online point to it being a great pet. It is an outgoing and happy dog and loves its family a lot. As a pet, you can expect full devotion from it. It is also very lively and extremely obedient. These dogs can be trained easily, as they are obedient and loyal. It also has a lot of stamina and can play as much as you like. The dog has very fast reflexes and is athletic enough to cover long distances with relative ease.

The dog is suitable to both city and country life. It lives a ripe old age and does not have any genetic disorders that are known. They need moderate exercise and should ideally be taken for long walks every day.

Elbow Dysplasia In Dogs Symptoms, Causes, Treatment | Cost of Dog Elbow Dysplasia

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , — Nick @ 6:07 am

Elbow dysplasia in dogs can be described as an abnormal development of certain parts in the elbow joint. This is an inherited disease, which could occur during any phase of the dog’s life. Although this condition can be seen in dogs of all sizes and breeds, elbow dysplasia in dogs is more common in medium sized and larger dogs. Therefore, some of the most common breeds that have been affected by elbow dysplasia in dogs include Labrador Retrievers, Rottweilers, Bernese Mountain Dog, Golden Retrievers and the German Shepherd. Some of the other breeds that can also be affected by this condition include a few of the Terrier breeds, the Shar Pei, Chow-chow, Springer Spaniel and Saint Bernard. Normally, elbow dysplasia in dogs affects both the elbows, but it is possible for them to suffer from unilateral elbow dysplasia.

Elbow Dysplasia In Dogs Symptoms

There are several sign and symptoms that can let a pet owner know that the dog is suffering from elbow dysplasia. Dogs that have this problem may start showing the symptoms when they are anywhere between 5 and 12 months. Some of the first signs that become evident are morning stiffness, signs of lameness in the front leg and stiffness after a period of rest. Hence the dog may develop an abnormal gait or may start limping. In fact, the way the dog sits, stands or lies down may also change significantly.

Elbow Dysplasia In Dogs Causes

The exact causes of elbow dysplasia in dogs are still not clear, but most pet experts believe that there could be a combination of  few factors that lead to this condition, which include over nutrition accompanied by rapid growth, hormonal factors, genetic factors and trauma.

Elbow Dysplasia In Dogs Treatment

The treatment of elbow dysplasia in dogs varies, as it is dependent on the severity of the condition. In some dogs, the treatment is a one time surgery, but in others, it could be an ongoing matter. The best way to treat this condition is by getting the dog operated. However, there are several people who are conscious about elbow dysplasia in dogs cost and therefore, choose more economical options, like medication. However, medicines could take up to a month to bring about any improvement in dogs. In case a dog suffering from dysplasia is overweight, it is absolutely essential to ensure that the dog loses weight as soon as possible.

While there are alternative treatment options for the condition too, all pet owners should ensure that all instances of elbow dysplasia in dogs are monitored by vets.

Dog Bloat Symptoms, Treatment and Cure | Surgery | Dog Bloat Diarrhea

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , , — Nick @ 5:26 am

Dog bloat is a very serious health risk and should be treated immediately as soon as it is observed in dogs. It has been seen that dog bloat causes nearly as many deaths as cancer. Dogs that have deep chests are especially at risk of developing this fatal condition. Some of the breeds that are more susceptible than others include Great Danes, German Shepherds, and Doberman Pinschers. Dog bloats can kill dogs very quickly, and therefore, the dog should be taken to a doctor immediately. There are many cases where bloating in dogs may be completely harmless, but since it can be potentially fatal, it is best if you do not wait.

Dog Bloat Symptoms and Diarrhea

Dog bloat is known as gastric dilatation volvulus. In most cases, bloating in dogs is related to excessive swallowing of air. Abnormal accumulation of fluids, air, foam, or foods in the stomach can cause bloating. Stress is another major contributing factor in cases of dog bloat. Dog bloat symptoms are extremely characteristic. These include twisting of stomach, appearance of bulging and bloated chest and belly, and diarrhea. Dog bloat diarrhea is usually the earliest of symptoms. It is only after the dog begins to experience vomiting and diarrhea that the stomach begins to swell up. The dog may not act like its usual self, may be seen trying to vomit unsuccessfully, may show restlessness and anxiety, may emit funny gurgling sounds from the stomach, and may begin to avoid eating food. Other dog bloat symptoms include pale gums, whining, heavy drooling, and pacing. The dog may drink excessively, may only be able to stand spread legged, may have heavy panting, and may refuse to lie down or even sit.

Dog Bloat Surgery and Treatment

As the stomach swells, it often twists and traps air as well. The veins in the abdomen can often get entwisted with the stomach, therefore causing low blood pressure and severe damage to other neighboring organs. The pain and the shock of the twisted stomach is often enough to kill a dog. Dog bloat treatment should be received as soon as the first symptoms begin to appear. If the stomach has become twisted, dog bloat surgery may have to be performed. Dog bloat cure may be sought by using antacids and gas relieving medications. However, these are not substitutes for veterinary care.

You, as a dog owner, can help prevent dog bloat by avoiding stressful situations for the dog. Minimize stress as much as possible and do not let your dog eat very rapidly. Also, instead of giving one large meal to your dog, give several smaller ones.

Dog Colitis Causes, Symptoms and Treatment | Medicine | Diet For Dog Colitis

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , , , , — Nick @ 4:46 am

Colitis is condition in which the colon becomes inflamed. Dog colitis is very similar to colitis in humans, and in this condition, the large intestine, especially its lower part, gets inflamed. There are mainly two types of colitis. There is acute colitis and the other is chronic colitis. In acute colitis, the inflammation of the intestine occurs in a short duration and has a sudden onset. On the other hand, in chronic colitis, the onset is slow and the inflammation is caused due to an underlying condition.

There are some dogs that are especially susceptible to colitis. These are poodles, boxers, schnauzers, and Great Danes. The exact cause of this is not known. Fortunately, dog colitis, both chronic and acute, can be completely treated. They also do not pose any great risk to the health of the dog suffering from them.

What is Dog Colitis?

Dog colitis is most common in boxers. This is because their anatomy is such. Colitis is a condition in which your dog may continue to behave normally, even when the dog is unwell. The dog may have streaks of blood and mucus in their feces. This is usually the first and only sign of colitis in dogs. If the dog remains untreated, it may keep losing weight. It also becomes lethargic and shows poor appetite. Fever and persistent abdominal pain are usually the second most significant symptoms in dogs that have colitis.

Dog Colitis Causes and Symptoms

Dog colitis does not always come with symptoms. Dog colitis symptoms, though distinct, are quite rare. Most dogs that are suffering from this condition will continue to behave normally until the condition becomes very severe. Dog colitis causes include spasms in the colon, parasites, bacteria and food allergies.

Stress, parasites, sudden changes in diet and dietary indiscretion are usually behind chronic colitis. Though dog colitis does not pose a great threat to the dog’s health, it can make the dog malnourished. In case there is deep ulceration in the stomach, the situation becomes extremely serious.

Dog Colitis Treatment, Medicine and Diet

To diagnose colitis in dogs, the vet will perform a rectal exam. Dog colitis natural treatment is preferred by a lot of pet owners, but according to the diagnosis given by the doctor, more conventional dog colitis medicine may be prescribed. If there is deep ulceration in the colon, the situation becomes very serious. In such a case, dog colitis treatment may require amputation of part of the large intestines. Dog colitis diet may include a variety of bland foods which do not irritate the large intestines.

Bunny Care and Food | Tips and Basics | Newborn Bunny Care Guide

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 1:44 am

Adopting a bunny for a pet is hard work and requires commitment. It involves an initial for food, shelter and inoculations. You also need to get your house for a bunny including cordoning an area where it can be by itself, if it wants to.

Bunny Care

At the same time, the bunny should be able to social and mingle whenever it wants. Bunny care and baby bunny care include tips and basics that you can remember. The bunny needs social interaction and exercise, along with good healthy food to keep it happy. A good idea for the bunny to intellectually challenged and stimulated is building a cardboard castle, with old books and paper around the house and toilet rolls.

Prepare to give the bunnies litter box training. The can be trained and it is important that you persevere. You also need to make sure you give bunnies the correct food and stick to the nutritional profile. Hay and some vegetables along with fruits for treats is the preferred diet.

Newborn Bunny Care Guide

The bunny care guide helps you with pet bunny and newborn bunny care. Baby bunnies largely feed from the mother. And within a few weeks are ready to eat hay and other permitted foods. Socializing your rabbit with other humans and other rabbits is also important. How well each rabbit takes to it depends on your rabbit’s personality. You have to learn to decipher its noises, like thumping for annoyance, gentle grinding of teeth for contentment or loud grinding to indicate discomfort. Rabbits are also known for blinking and even licking your feet. You need to observe and decide what your rabbit’s personality is. You have to let your rabbit approach you. They are not as carefree as dogs or cats. That is also the reason that if anything goes wrong with its health, it will not make it apparent as it would not want any weaknesses to be perceived.

If you have a dwarf bunny or a lionhead bunny, you have a specialized pet. Dwarf bunnies are the third most popular kind of pet. They are tiny and quite cuddly. They are usually bred and bought in pairs who are inseparable and can keep each other busy and entertained.

The lionhead bunny is a new bunny breed to be introduced in America and the evolution of that breed is still being studied. It is known for its mane and longer coat. This breed is developing a reputation for a show rabbit.

Bunny Food and Treats | Healthy Bunny Food Guide | Baby Bunny Diet

Filed under: Rabbit — Tags: , , , , , — Nick @ 1:13 am

Bunnies are vegetarian and though the idea of feeding them seems easy peasy, it is actually tricky as there are some things that can be great for bunnies while others can be trouble. It may be a good idea to look at a bunny food list to formulate the ideal bunny diet.

Healthy Bunny Food Guide

Healthy bunny food includes a food list of many fruits and vegetables. The bunny food guide includes all vegetarian food. But despite what common items suggest, apparent favorites like lettuce, cabbage, potato tops, tomato leaves should not be given to rabbits.  Even fruits like cherries, peaches, plums and apricots are not good for the bunny.

The most common favorite food for rabbits is hay. If you cannot find hay, you can certainly find nutrition packed hay pellets at your pet store. Fresh food that you can feed the rabbit can include carrot, apple, banana, broccoli, as treats.

Treats in bunnies are largely fruits and are considered fattening for rabbits. A little fruit is good but making an everyday diet of fruits is not advisable as it could cause diarrhea, causing much anguish to the bunny and you too. You can also feed your bunny things like coriander, collard greens, artichoke, arugula, basil, beet tops, brussel sprouts, celery, chard, fennel, endive, dill, cucumber and chives.

If your choose to let your bunny eat out in your garden and grow plants that it will like to eat, remember there are some plants that should not be there at all. These plants can be life threatening for rabbits. Plants like cloves, honeysuckle, poppies, ivy, oleander, holly, poinsettias, rhubarb leaves and daffodils along with many others can kill a rabbit quickly if it ingests it.

Baby Bunny Diet and Treats

The baby bunny diet has food that is also fed to adult bunnies. Adult bunnies tend to eat a lot as they are used to that in the wild, where eating a lot means getting some nutrition. That is also why digestion is so important in bunnies. You will need to monitor what and how much your bunny eats.

Your bunny also cannot see his food, rather can smell it. A bunny also cannot vomit which make a digestion irregularity that much more difficult for the bunny.

Some rare bunny treats can be raisins or dried fruits, unsalted peanuts, dried banana chips and perhaps graham crackers. But this is not food that can be given every day and the bunny needs his share of greens to keep his digestive system intact. Chocolate is a big no no as it can be toxic for bunnies.

Best Natural Kitten Food and Diet | Homemade Food and Recipes

Filed under: Cat Diet — Tags: , , , , , , , — Nick @ 12:51 am

Kitten Food

Feeding your kitten well and right is very important. Kittens, as they are growing rapidly, need proper nutrition and food especially meant for kittens.  A kitten diet is easy to maintain. Kitten food needs to contain goods fats like Omega 3 fatty acids and minerals like phosphorus, calcium and potassium to build strong teeth and bones.

Best Natural Kitten Food and Diet

Good and natural kitten food is the best kitten diet. The best kitten food can be a combination of dry and canned kitten food. The combination of wet and dry food develops a good balance for the kitten. The wet food provides the balance of protein and fats that kittens need in plenty while growing rapidly while the dry food allows the kitten to learn to chew food properly.

If you want to change the brand of dry food for the kittens, start by mixing some of the new stuff with the old stuff and gradually increase it every day. Once the kitten noses out the new pellets, you can stop giving the old brand. While the kittens are still young, they need to be fed at least four times a day which will reduce to about twice a day as an adult cat.

There are some major don’t while feeding a kitten. Do not give the kitten milk, especially cow’s milk. It causes digestion problems for the cat. Sometimes you can find a milk replacer especially for a cat which can be fed to the cat. But usually if the kittens are already on solid food they do not have a requirement for milk. You can also give your cat milk that has been specially processed for cats.

Homemade Kitten Food and Recipes

Make sure you keep fresh, clean water available for kittens, one that is away from litter and easy for the cat to reach. It is also important to note that you do not feed dog food to the cat. Do not encourage your cat by feeding it kitchen scraps. This will only fill the kitten on the cat’s version of junk food and it will encourage the kitten to ask for scraps.

You can even give your kitten homemade kitten food by trying out some kitten food recipes. Homemade cat food includes some form cooked or raw meat, ground bone meal, pureed vegetables, taurine and multi vitamin supplements. It is also important that you do not feed the kitten liver or tuna meant for humans. It creates an imbalance of vitamins A, D and E.

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