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Satin Bowerbird Bird Species Information, Health, Diet and Nutrition

Filed under: Bird Species — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 12:54 am

Satin Bowerbird Bird:

The satin bowerbird is a species of small bird that has gained fame among scientists because it has one of the most elaborate mating rituals in the animal kingdom. It is also highly noted because of the stark difference between genders with the males being some of the most brightly colored of the genders. The male is also an ace builder of bowers and is also quite an adept dancer as well; though it is also considered a threatening display and it takes a seasoned female to not be alarmed by this display.

The satin bowerbird is found in Australia form Queensland all the way to Victoria. The courtship display of the males of this species starts with bower building. It is this activity that distinguishes it from most other types of birds. After the bower is built, there is an elaborate decoration exercise that is carried out by the male. The male will then start to put all sorts of colored objects in the bower including berries, flowers, and even discarded shiny objects that are discarded by human populations. The male is also an established dancer though the mating dance is quite intimidating to young females who can perceive the dance as some kind of threat display. Once a bower is built female behavior of choosing a mate is even more curious and eventful. The female will try to either visit the bower when the male is not around and inspect the workmanship of the bower, visit the bower when the mail is in the bower, or will simply visit as many bowers as it can and then choose the best bower. Younger females tend to choose their mates almost completely on the basis of the impressive stature of the bower. Older females tend to look more at the attention to details within the bower paying more attention to the colored decorations of the nest, especially the amount of blue objects collected.

Once a bower and its owning mate have been selected, the pair will then mate. What then follows from here is the female starting to build a nest for the new arrivals. Exceptionally interesting is the changing patter of nest building among older members of this species as against the younger members. As the bird grows older, its ability to see and focus on objects that are bluer in coloring improves. This is what eventually helps it to secure a mate.