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Cat Stops Eating Dry Food | Cat Stops Eating Wet Food

Filed under: Cat Diet — Tags: — Nik @ 4:08 am

Eating problems in cats can occur due to a variety of reasons. In case your cat’s refusal for food lasts beyond 24 hours, it is advisable to have him examined by a veterinarian. One of the reasons why cats stop eating is stress. Changes in the surroundings such as introduction of new pet, rearranged furniture or a new family member can cause stress in a cat. Cats may also stop eating due to appetite fatigue. This means that they are tired of eating the same food, so don’t be surprised if one fine day your cat stops eating dry food, but clamors for the fresh fish. Cats could also display eating problems when they want more attention from their owners, due to anxiety or because they are receiving food from another source.

There are some medical reasons behind eating problems in cats. Cats are unlikely to eat when they have an upset stomach. This could occur due to consumption of contaminated or stale food, pancreatic problems, intestinal parasites and inflammatory bowel disease. In such cases the cat is also likely to display certain other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy. Bacterial infections may also make a cat refuse food. Infections may develop in the nasal cavity, ears, eyes or bladder. In this case also other signs such as fever, lethargy and discharge may occur. Mouth infections, tooth abscesses or gingivitis can make it difficult for a cat to chew food. This can cause them to refuse food. This could be one of the reasons why a cat stops eating dry food. Try giving the cat a different type of food. If he displays trouble while chewing, a dental examination may be necessary. Cats are also vulnerable to endocrine disorders such as diabetes, thyroid problems and hormonal imbalances. Appetite loss is one of the symptoms of endocrine disorders. Sometimes a cat stops eating wet food when the food has been in the refrigerator and is not warmed up. Cats prefer their food warm or at room temperature.

The best way to ensure that you cat is getting adequate nutrition is to consult a veterinarian for recommendations. Also choose cat food that is a good quality from a reputed brand. A combination of wet and dry food is advisable. Dry cat food helps to keep the teeth clean while wet canned food provides hydration. Cats with problems in digestion may need more fiber-rich food. As cats advance in age, their tasting, smelling and chewing abilities start to decline. These cats must be offered easily digestible food. Do keep in mind that most commercially sold dry foods are not very healthy and home cooked foods are much better. If your cat stops eating dry foods, but its appetite for all other foods remains undiminished then you have nothing to worry about.

Read on what to do if cat is not eating food and cat appetite loss