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Keep Your Cats Healthy | Cat Health Problems | How to Keep Cat Healthy

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Keeping Feline Healthy:

Cats are beautiful creatures and great house pets for you and your family. Everyone loves their kitties and wants the best for them. As a responsible pet owner, you must provide special care and attention, and also watch closely for signs of sickness. You must provide natural mental and physical stimulation to your cats to prevent them from succumbing to both boredom and obesity.

Cat health problems range from simple inconveniences to life-threatening illnesses. The common cat health problems are cat hairballs, fleas, plant poisoning, worms, viral, and other infections. The common symptoms to look for in your cat or kitten that requires a vet’s visit are loss of appetite, a dull coat, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive itching, lethargy, weight loss, drinking excessive water, and change in litter box habits.

Here are a few simple steps to keep your cat healthy and happy for life:

  • You must get your cat vaccinated against all common diseases as recommended by your veterinarian to ensure that your cat doesn’t fall victim to diseases such as feline leukemia and feline immune deficiency.
  • It is usually recommended that you take your cat to a vet in order to have your cat’s nails cut short. By doing this, you can ensure that it does not hurt itself, your family, or you by scratching.
  • You must feed your cat with a bit of garlic every once in a while to protect your pet from worms. Cats are susceptible to many kinds of worms like ringworms, roundworms, hookworms, lungworms, and tapeworms.
  • You must brush your cat’s coat every week as it helps reduce the occurrence of hair balls.
  • When you take your cat outdoors fleas, which are infection carrying parasites, attach themselves to the cat’s coat. You must use flea medication that effectively kills flea larvae and adult fleas.
  • You must put your cat on a diet that is high in proteins and low in carbohydrates. Your cat should also be given minerals and essential fatty acids to boost its immune system.
  • You must be cautious while choosing house plants as plants like dieffenbachia, poinsettia, English ivy, and crocus are poisonous to cats.
  • If you see your cat scratching excessively behind or inside its ears, immediately take your cat to a vet; your cat could be infected by ear mites. This requires constant medication.
  • You must check your cat’s eye regularly. If you see any cloudiness or excessive discharge, take your pet to the vet immediately.
  • You must get your cat spayed or neutered as it not only keeps your cat from getting pregnant, but also provides many health benefits. Spaying your cat at a young age lowers the chances of breast cancer. Neutering (spaying) will also improve your cat’s personality.
  • You must take your cat for a routine checkup that involves a physical examination of its body from its tail to nose; checking its temperature and weighing; inspecting for abnormal discharges from its bodily orifices (eyes and nose); checking its gums, teeth and ears; and checking for parasites and abscesses by a vet.