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Easy to Teach Dog Tricks | Teaching Dog Crawl and Shake Hand

Filed under: Dog Training — Tags: , , — Nik @ 2:20 am

Dog Training Tricks:

Dog training is a process of making the dog do certain tricks by teaching the dog to respond to a set of commands. Depending on the methods and objectives, dog training tricks can be categorized into various segments. However, difficult dog tricks can be a lot of hard work and are better left for professional dog trainers. But, this should not discourage dog owners from trying to teach their dogs a few basic and simple tricks. With a bit of patience and work you too can teach your dog fair amount of tricks. The most important, and probably also the hardest, part is to find a language to communicate with the dog. The method of communication may vary but the essential principle of communication is quite simple – rewarding desired behavior while ignoring or correcting undesired behavior. With this underlying principle in mind, you should set about finding the most appropriate way of communication. Once you have found the way to communicate, teach the six basic dog obedience behaviors – namely, Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Close, and Heel. Remember, however, that these six are not essentially tricks but are the foundations on which tricks are based.

Anyway, described here are some tricks that you may try teaching to your dog. But, remember that you should be very patient with the dog and should not lose your temper at any time.

  • Shake hands: This is one of the most common and easy-to-teach tricks. Start by asking your dog to sit down, then take the dog’s paw in your hands and shaking the paw say, “Shake hand.” Thereafter, give your dog a pat or reward in any other way the dog understands. Repeat the same way at least for 5 times in a row, but remember to always use the same hand and paw. The whole process should again be repeated several times a day, over several weeks, until the dog seems to recognize the movement on its own.
  • Crawl: This is yet another easy-to-teach trick. To do this, make your dog lie down and then hang a prize just in front of the dog’s nose. Say, “Crawl!” aloud and ask the dog to come for the prize. If the dog starts to stand up and take the prize, say “No!” aloud and make it lie down again. Repeat the process until the dog realizes that it has to come crawling and then reward with the prize. You have to repeat this several times a day and continue over a few weeks.