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Pet Poisoning Symptoms | Pet Poison Causes, Treatments

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Pet Poison:

Many substances like fabric softener sheets, detergents, batteries, moth balls, and coffee grounds in your home may be fatal to your pets. Poisons may not be necessarily eaten by the animal but can also be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. Some of the potential toxins may not be palpable, but think again before your pet reaches for it.

The common signs of pet poisoning are muscle tremors, vomiting, swelling of limbs or the face, excessive salivation, redness of eyes, difficulty in breathing, and blisters in the mouth. You can keep your pet safe and healthy by being aware of the common toxins around your house and yard. Here below are few guidelines which will help you in understanding pet poisons:

  • You must be familiar with the plants that you have in your house. The ingestion of sago palm, oleander, Easter lily, and schefflera may prove to be poisonous for your pets.
  • You must keep your pets away while treating your lawn with fertilizers and insecticides as these are harmful for their health.
  • Human medications which have coatings on them such as painkillers, cold medications, antidepressants, and dietary supplements attract pets. You must ensure that these are kept away from your pet’s reach.
  • You must follow the usage directions of the products that you use on your pets like shampoos and dips to reduce the chances of unnecessary exposure to harmful substances.
  • You must get specific products and medications that are designed for your pet. This is because the amounts will vary depending upon the species. It is better to seek a veterinarian’s advice before giving any medications.
  • You must keep away antifreeze (ethylene glycol), paint thinner, and drain cleaners away from your pets as they pose a substantial danger to them.
  • You must avoid giving your pet mouldy foods, chocolates, caffeine based products, alcoholic beverages, grapes and raisins as these are toxic to it. They can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, excessive urination, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, and seizures.
  • You must keep your pets away from rodenticides as they contain inactive ingredients that are attractive to some pets. The ingestion of baits may prove to be fatal for pets.
  • You must keep a check on the salt intake by your pet or otherwise it may lead to sodium ion poisoning in pets. Large amount of salt consumption leads to vomiting, elevated body temperature, seizures, and even death.
  • Household cleaners such as bleaches, detergents and disinfectants when inhaled by pets can cause irritation to their respiratory tract. So, precautions must be taken to protect your pets from these common agents.

Different toxins need specific attention or else the condition of the pet may deteriorate. If you detect that your pet has a reaction due to a flea product, rinse it with large volumes of water using mild shampoo. In case your pet has inhaled poison, take the animal out in an open space immediately so that it gets sufficient fresh air. If your pet has ingested poison it becomes important to induce vomiting. If the situation is out of your control, seek emergency assistance and immediately contact a veterinarian or the nearest Animal Poison Control Center.