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Best dog food

Best Foods for Dogs:

All dog owners would like to ensure that they are providing the best dog food to their pets.

However, with the large influx of various types of dog food, the wide choices available in the market make planning your dog’s diet a bit confusing. There is also an abundance of information on health, nutrition and diet pertaining to dogs and most of this information is often conflicting. This makes the task of selecting the right food for your dog even more daunting.

The important thing to remember is that like people, dogs and other pets too, derive maximum nutrition when they are fed unprocessed food. The common assumption is that dog food such as canned food and kibble must be fed to dogs; however these products are merely for convenience and cannot substitute fresh food. Fresh food can be either raw or cooked foods.

Fresh food diets consisting of prepackaged meals are a good option for those who want to give their dogs the finest food and are also able to afford it.

These prepackaged meals are available in the form of combined foods or separate dishes. This provides the dog with balanced nutritional food and also makes it possible to customize the diet for the individual needs of the dog. Such food is usually raw and is sold in the form of freeze dried or frozen packages. These meals consist of natural dog food since they are made with organic ingredients and specially formulated to fulfill the nutritional requirements of the dog. The only drawback here is the high price of these meals, although feeding high quality food to your dog will also ensure that the veterinary bills stay low.

Home cooked meals or good quality canned food and kibble also constitute as healthy dog food. Kibble and canned food must always be kept handy, even if you are feeding your dog real food. They come in use during travel and in case of emergencies. When buying such foods, ensure that they contain real and recognizable ingredients. Do not go in for foods that contain by-products. The main ingredients of these foods must be specific meats or meat meal, which contains digestible protein. Good quality dog food also contains some amount of vegetables and fruits. Sometimes probiotics are also added as they help in digestion. All added preservatives should be natural, and the food must be packed in a vacuum sealed foil package.

  Submitted on May 7, 2010