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Health care tips for your cat
Can cats get lice? - January 3, 2012
What are the reasons for cat hair loss?One of the most common causes of cat hair loss is feline allergies that could be on account of direct contact ...
Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tail? - December 9, 2010
Dog Tail WaggingDog tail wagging is a behavior closely associated with dogs, and it seems that tail wagging is linked with a desire to communicate ...
How to stop a cat from spraying in the house? - August 13, 2010
Cat owners tend to experience considerable frustration when their felines start exhibiting the behavior of spraying in the house. It is important to ...
How to get rid of cat urine smell? - August 13, 2010
Cat urine smell is rightly believed to be one of the most formidable odors that pets can leave behind. Cat urine smells terrible and the odor may ...
Do female cat spray? - August 13, 2010
Cats spray in order to mark their territories. They do this by staining a particular area with a small amount of their urine. This is meant to be a ...
What Causes Cancer in Cats? - July 29, 2010
Cancer is a dreaded disease that affects not only humans but animals too and can prove fatal if not diagnosed and treated in time. Cancer in cats, ...
My Cat is Dehydrated. What Are Causes and Treatments? - July 19, 2010
Cat dehydration can be fairly life threatening and mirror dehydration symptoms in humans. Since cats are so small, they can get dehydrated much faster...
Is My Cat Pregnant? - July 12, 2010
If your cat has not been spayed and is allowed to roam free it isn’t any wonder that you’re worried about your cat being pregnant. First ...
Cat is not eating food. What to do? - June 3, 2010
Cats are one of the most commonly kept household pets and are highly regarded for their playfulness and affectionate company. Dogs are probably the ...
How to Treat Cat Constipation? - April 30, 2010
Cat constipation is not an uncommon problem. Although this problem is generally observed in older cats it can also occur in cats of any age. Most cats...
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