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Is My Cat Pregnant?

(July 12, 2010)

If your cat has not been spayed and is allowed to roam free it isn’t any wonder that you’re worried about your cat being pregnant. First time owners who are not too experienced with cats can work up quite a sweat pondering to themselves time and again, ‘is my cat pregnant, or not….’ Well, there’s no easy answer in the early stages, but you’ll soon notice some symptoms of pregnancy.

The average cat gestation period, which refers to the length of the pregnancy, generally lasts for around 60 days. Your cat could be carrying anywhere from 2 to 8 kittens if pregnant, and her belly will expand quite rapidly. Halfway through the pregnancy the bulge should be unmistakable, and towards the end of a pregnancy her belly should be huge. Female cats that have not been spayed would go into heat regularly and if an unsprayed female does have access to a tom cat while in heat, you can be quite sure that they will mate.

A cat pregnancy typically does not show any visible symptoms in the initial period, so you would have to wait it out. Two to three weeks after conception however you should be able to observe certain signs. If you notice any of these symptoms it would be unmistakable that would resolve any doubts about your cat’s pregnancy. The first sign that you should look for would be swelling and deep pinkish appearance of the nipples. This is typical to any cat pregnancy and soon after you will also begin to notice her belly beginning to expand. Her appetite will also increase drastically and you need to make sure that she gets all the food she needs. Of course the nutritional value of the food is of the utmost importance, as she isn’t just eating for herself, but for the unborn kittens as well.

Another indicator should be that she isn’t going in to heat, but if you aren’t familiar with your cat’s cycle or if her cycle is not horribly regular you may not find this easy. It is also possible that your cat may experience morning sickness just as we humans do. If you do suspect that your cat is pregnant but want to make doubly sure you can get your vet to take a look, and if needed do some tests. Whatever you do, don’t try to feel her abdomen to ascertain the pregnancy yourself. This could endanger both the babies and the mother. A blood test would provide undeniable proof, and into the sixth week it would even be possible to have x-rays taken to check the progress of the pregnancy.

Once you’re sure your cat is pregnant you’ll probably ask, ‘how long is a cat pregnancy?’ As mentioned the cat gestation period usually lasts around 60 to 65 days, but if it stretches beyond the 69th there may be a need for medical intervention. Under normal circumstances however cats are truly independent and will do well on their own. Make sure you provide your cat with a secluded and safe nesting spot prior to her labor and delivery.
Submitted by N M on July 12, 2010 at 05:05


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