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Gecko Diet

Gecko Food:

Geckos are rather small animals that are part of the Gekkonidae family and came in a variety of over 1200 species.

One of the most prominent unique features of the gecko is the fact that most of them will usually communicate through a series of clicks and chirping sounds, while a few of them may even be able to grunt. Most of the geckos also do not feature any eyelids, but instead have a transparent membrane over their eyes which they lick in order to clean.

When keeping a gecko in the house as a pet, it is essential that the right climatic temperatures are maintained in order to make the living environment most suitable for it. During the day, maintain the temperature within the tank at about 78 to 88 degrees and do not let the temperature fall below 72 degrees during the night.

Baby gecko food should be chosen very carefully as you want to make sure that the kind of food that you are providing is of the right dimensions for the animal to consume. Baby gecko food, as well as adult gecko food, predominantly consists of small insects such as crickets and mealworms. When choosing the kind of crickets, you may want to keep in mind the fact that black crickets are usually slower than brown crickets making them easier to catch. You should also make sure that the crickets are no more than the length and half the width of the head of the gecko in order to allow for optimum digestion. Leopard gecko food also needs to consist of calcium as well as a vitamin supplement. Moreover, the leopard gecko is also likely to be very satisfies when being fed a small amount of baby food chicken and may even lick it off the finger. When housing a leopard gecko, it is imperative to provide the animal with at least a 20 gallon tank that has a tight fitting screen top as they are infamous for their ability to escape.

Crested gecko food would normally consist of either crickets or feeder roaches, but crested geckos may also sometimes consume mealworms or waxworms quite happily. It is important to make sure than any insects fed to the crested gecko is no larger than the distance from the geckos nose to its eye. You should also make it a point to dust the lizard with some pure calcium powder or calcium powder mixes with vitamin d3.
  Submitted on January 21, 2010