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What food can I give my cat to dissolve bladder stones? Treating bladder crystals in cats.

(April 28, 2010)

The formation of stones in the bladder is also known as Urolithiasis. These stones can be found anywhere in the urinary tract, kidneys, ureter or even in the bladder. These stones are formed due to the over saturation of urine and minerals in the bladder. Bladder stone in cats can cause frequent urination or even a lack of urination. Blood discharge may also be seen in the urine, and urinating becomes extremely painful. If the cat does not urinate for more than 2-3 days, it can become very serious and at times fatal. You should consider visiting the vet, as he will be able to diagnose bladder stones and determine the treatment that would be necessary.

Dietary changes are very effective in dissolving a cat kidney stone. This however is a very lengthy process and it can take up to three months. It helps if you include in the diet, plenty of raw, unprocessed foods and home cooked food. Commercial canned cat food should be avoided as they are high in magnesium and carbohydrates contents, which leads to the formation of stones in the urinary tract. Homeopathic remedies are very effective to dissolve cat bladder stones. Homeopathic remedies contain highly potent ingredients that are used in minute doses of natural substances. Homeopathic remedies are safe as they aid the body in healing its self with no side effects. Homeopathic remedies which contain cantharis and uva ursi are highly recommended. Cantharis helps to maintain a healthy urine flow and soothes the bladder and Uva ursi is an effective urinary tonic that helps to maintain normal pH levels of the urinary tract.

A good quantity of fresh, filtered water helps cat prevent the formation of a bladder stone. At times when your cat is dehydrated, formation of stones will be greater as the urine thickens. It is always advisable to encourage cats to drink plenty of fresh filtered water. Filtered Water is best because it removes any chemicals present in the water, which can alter the pH of the bladder. This prevents stone formation and helps the harmful toxins to be flushed out.

Now that you have this information, use it as a guide to help you treat cat bladder infection and stones. Bladder stones can be easily treated and prevented with homeopathy, a healthy diet, and sufficient water intake insofar as they are not blocking your cat's urine flow completely. Follow these simple tips to ensure that your cat achieves optimal bladder health.

Submitted by N M on April 28, 2010 at 06:06


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