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Dog Potty Training

Dog Potty Training - Information on Tips, Techniques and Problems Faced While Potty Training Your Dog

A new puppy or dog can bring a lot of joy and excitement to any house.

However, after a few hours of being a new pet owner, you will probably realize how much training your dog needs to go through, before he can fit into the new surroundings comfortably.

Training a dog or a puppy can be a lot of fun, but at the same time, as a responsible and loving pet owner, you need to be vigilant, patient and very committed. To make sure that you house remains clean and hygienic, one of the first tasks that you will need to undertake is dog potty training.

Dog Potty Training Techniques

It is difficult for a puppy or even an older dog to understand where and when they are supposed to eliminate, unless they have been trained. When it comes to dog potty training techniques, there are certain basic steps that you need to follow –

Confining: Establish a spot where your dog can take care of his business.

Make sure that you take your dog to the same spot every time you’d like him to eliminate. You also need to look for signs that let you know your pet needs to go, so that he can visit his potty spot. Be patient and wait for your dog to do his business, without rushing him up. Do not leave in frustration, just because your pet won’t eliminate immediately. Puppies get distracted very easily and even the smallest thing can get your pet’s mind off the matter at hand.

Use a leash to keep the dog close to you, so that you can guide and redirect him, when required.

Teaching: You can use words to let your puppy know that you want him to eliminate at a certain spot. Talk to your dog and use phrases like “go potty”, “go poo-poo” and “outside” just before you take him to his potty-spot. Observe your dog’s actions when you do so. Gradually, your dog may stand near the door or the leash, or even bark, just to let you know that he needs to go outside.

Timing: Of course, puppies will eliminate as and when they need to, i.e., until they are potty trained. Observe your pet’s potty habits and set up a proper schedule that suits both of you. Try to ensure that your dog visits his potty spot in the morning and then after each meal. Gradually, your dog’s system will get used to the schedule you have set up.

Praising: As a dog owner, you are probably aware of how important praise is, when it comes to canine training. However, one of the most important dog potty training tips is to use verbal praise during the act and not after. In case you decide to use petting or food as a reward for potty training, of course, you will need to wait till your dog has finished his business.

Common Dog Potty Training Problems

At times, you may feel that all your training efforts are in vain as your dog has frequent “accidents” or refuses to use the spot you would like to confine his potty-habits to. Some of the common dog potty training problems that you should be prepared for include –

Excited urination: Your dog may urinate in the house, because of playtime or when new guests arrive

Submissive (fearful or stressful) urination: Your dog may urinate when he is afraid or under stress. Factors that usually cause submissive urination include arguments, loud noises, and negative reinforcement.

Regression: It may look like your pet has forgotten everything you taught him, after a while.

Scent marking: In spite of being well potty-trained, your dog may try to “mark his territory” by urinating on it.

Fortunately, these dog potty training problems are not serious ones and can easily be overcome, with patience. You could also check with your vet and make use of dog potty training aids, such as clickers, leashes, whistles, litter boxes and crates, to name a few. In case you need any help in your training endeavors, you could also get a professional dog trainer involved.





  Submitted on April 25, 2012