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Cat Diarrhea Home Remedies | Feline Diarrhea Home Treatments

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Cat Diarrhea Home Remedies

Healthy cats usually do not suffer from diarrhea. If a cat is suffering from diarrhea is most probably due to a digestive problem i.e. if there is something in the cat’s food or water that has upset the cat’s stomach. Cat diarrhea home remedies include the following:

  • If the cat is unwell keep her indoors. It is also easier to see if your cat has diarrhea if she is indoors.
  • Keep the cat away from all dairy products. Cats find it difficult to digest dairy products and often this is the cause of diarrhea.
  • Unflavored yogurt might help the cat as it helps to restore the bacteria needed in the intestines.
  • Do not feed the cat any solid food for 24 hours if you suspect that the cat has diarrhea. Start a bland diet after 24 hours. Plain fish or white meat is good. Limit the quantity and give this about 4-6 times a day.
  • If the diarrhea is due to food allergy or food intolerance, eliminate that particular food from the cat’s diet.
  • Another cat diarrhea home remedy is stopping cat foods that contain dyes or other artificial ingredients. A cat’s gut has to worker harder to process these foods and this is not good for a cat that has diarrhea.
  • Ensure that the cat is given plenty of fresh water to drink. Cats with diarrhea should not get dehydrated. In fact cats need even more fluid at this time to replace the electrolytes she is losing.
  • Give the cat foods that are easy on the stomach. For example, chicken meat, boiled hamburger. Mix either with cooked rice.
  • Another cat diarrhea home remedy is just simple stress reduction, relaxation and exercise for the cat. Do not medicate the cat unless advised by the vet.

Some cat diarrhea causes are: a simple, stomach upset, eating garbage, stress, eating food intended for humans, eating items that are not foods, changes in the cat’s activities, sudden change in diet, eating food that is rich, bad or not easily digestible. A recent shock like a new pet could also be a cause. Other causes that warrant a visit to the vet are: inflammatory bowel disease, hormonal disorders like hypothyroidism, Feline immunodeficiency virus, pancreatic diseases, bowel or intestinal cancer, intestinal and stomach parasites or viruses, fungal or bacterial infections and feline leukemia virus.

Cat diarrhea treatment is as given above. The vet may recommend antibiotics, anti inflammatory drugs, treatment for worms or parasites, a fluid and electrolyte replacement or a special diet.