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Cat tapeworm symptoms

Cat Tapeworm Signs:

Tapeworms, these common parasitic worms, are often found residing in the intestines of even pet cats.

It is not just stray cats that are susceptible to diseases and pests. The problem with tapeworms is that they do need to be treated or else your pet may face some long-term health problems. One also needs to appreciate that tapeworms are of different kinds and your cat can pick them up in different ways.

The causes could be varied and your seemingly healthy cat can get tapeworms in a number of innocuous ways. For instance, if your cat ingests another parasite, a flea, it could get tapeworms if the flea which in turn has ingested the eggs of these parasitic worms. There are different factors which affect this, such as how much of the tapeworm’s life cycle has already developed in parasite.

It helps to watch out for tapeworm symptoms in cats such as dried pieces of the actual tapeworm which may get caught on your cat’s fur, typically just under the tail. Symptoms of tapeworm in cats typically depend upon the species in question but they usually show up in the feces. You might actually see these dried segments in the feces as they stand out as white or cream in color. Some varieties look a lot like cucumber seeds. The cat may experience some itching which would cause it to bite its own rear end or lick it. They could also respond in different ways such as dragging their rear while walking. Usually it is the vet who would make the diagnosis since there are different kinds of worms that your pet cat may fall prey to. Remember that some varieties of tapeworm are just not visible, even in the feces.

When you discover signs of tapeworm in cats, you might want to call the local veterinarian in order to discuss treatment options. Usually this would involve giving your cat a shot or would involve some mediation to be taken orally. Do not forget to treat your environment for tapeworms when treating your pet cat. Do also speak to your veterinarian about the ways in which these parasitic worms may be prevented from attacking your cat. It could also help to keep your cat from scavenging and from eating stray rodents. In addition to this, you should tackle any potential flea problem to prevent your cat from getting that particular species of tapeworm.

  Submitted on December 10, 2009  

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