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Cat Appetite Stimulant Side Effects | Cat Appetite Increase, Enhancer

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Cat Appetite Stimulant

A cat appetite stimulant can help your cat regain a healthy and happy lifestyle. Cats often stop drinking and eating due to either age, stress, sickness or fatigue. Cat food could be another reason for loss of appetite. It is important to find out the cause behind the sudden decline in eating so that proper treatment can be started. If your cat does not eat for more than three days, she could develop serious liver problems. Before starting any cat appetite stimulants it is best to consult your vet so determine the cause behind the appetite loss.

Try encouraging your cat to eat if you notice that she has gone off her food. Cat appetite would increase if you place their favorite food in front of them. Try tempting it with its favorite food. Good smelling food like sardines and tuna will stimulate the cat’s taste buds. Or you can try serving your cat different kinds of food. These foods would act as a wonderful cat appetite stimulant. It is better if you entice the cat with wet food. However, you can give your cat a mixture of both dry and wet food. Leave both out so that your cat has different options. Or you can give one kind of food one day and another on the next. After you feed your cat the food and she accepts it, you can reward her with her favorite treat. Give your cat small amounts of food at a time and feed her throughout the day. If she eats the amount you can give her a little more.  Use natural stimulants to get your cat to start eating again. It is best to use food that will stimulate your cat’s olfactory senses. One way of increasing cat appetite is by crushing vitamin B into the cat’s food. This is a natural cat appetite enhancer. Another is nepeta or catnip. This plant helps stimulate your cat’s pheromonic receptors. Catnip is also good for your cat as it helps with any digestive problems your cat might be having. Ensure that your cat is well hydrated. Give it plenty of milk and water. Try getting your cat to hunt. This might help to kick in her natural instinct and also increase her appetite for food. You can also try natural dietary cat appetite stimulants that are available in stores but if these do not work, it is best to consult your vet who will then recommend prescription drugs.

However these recommended cat appetite stimulant drugs might have side effects like drowsiness, constipation, high temperature, rapid heart rate, dry mouth or even liver failure.