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Dog Clothing Tips:

There would be many who would scoff at the occasionally jacketed poodle that walks by and many would consider making a dog wear a hat or sunglasses quite a frivolous task. The truth is that this is indeed the case and one needs to understand that dogs do not need clothes. However, just like humans, dogs do feel cold and don’t like to get wet in the rain so some kind of clothing would not be such a bad idea. Also, one needs to understand that some breeds of dogs are not very well endowed with fur that can deflect sunlight. This can make them prone to sunburn even. Therefore, remember that clothing a dog is something to prevent it from the cold, the elements, and from injury.

There are many types of dog clothing but try and avoid anything that attempts to humanize your dog instead of providing the essentials mentioned above. Also understand your dog itself. Breeds that are over endowed with fur do not need any kind of insulation for medium to short periods of exposure to the cold. Breeds that do not have such a thick coat are the only ones that really require covering. In an absolute reversal to this postulate, it is important to get a raincoat for your very furry dog when it steps out in the rain. When it is snowing, both types of dogs should be protected. One of the most sensitive and often overlooked part of a dog is its paws. This is an area that can experience a lot of heat loss and won’t be able to take too much temperature abuse. In the rain, the area around the paws are sometimes the last to completely dry out. There are some types of dog foot wear available but in general, if it is wet or if it is too cold for you to be out, nor should your pet.

There is a lot to be said about safety clothing for dog as well. Some harnesses and jackets that are designed for dogs are fluorescently lit so that oncoming traffic can be aware of the presence of the animal. This is extremely necessary if your dog is black and can be a bit difficult to make out when taking it for a walk. Avoid getting a dog to try and wear a T-shirt or something that is unnatural to put on.