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Dog Skin Problems Causes, Symptoms | Dog Skin Diseases, Allergies

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:59 am

Skin Problems in Dogs:

Skin problems don’t limit themselves to affecting just humans; they can affect your pet canine too. In-fact they can be considered to be one of the most common health ailments among dogs. Fur loss, extremely dry skin, skin rashes, irritation, dull or dry coat, bumps or lumps under or on the skin, excessive scratching, scabby, scaly or red patches and itching are some of the signs that indicate your pet is suffering from a skin disorder. All in all, the condition and texture of a dogs coat and skin, can tell a lot about its general health. Conditions of this sort could range from being acute to being chronic. Diagnosing skin problems among dogs can be quite a challenge, simply because a large number of diseases tend to display similar symptoms. Thus, it is crucial to determine what the problem is exactly, so that the right kind of treatment can be administered.

Skin problems in dogs can be brought about by fungal or bacterial infections, allergies and parasites. Just like humans, dogs too can develop allergies to several things. Powder deodorizers, carpet cleaners, shampoos, food, grass, mold, dust and pollen are some of the more commonly known causes of skin allergies in dogs. A dog suffering from a skin allergy, may display one or more of the following symptoms; rashes, extremely itchy skin, constant scratching, rubbing of the face and chewing of paws. When it comes to allergies, the key lies in identify what the allergen is, so that it can be avoided altogether. Parasites such as mites, ticks and fleas also contribute to a large number of skin problems among dogs. These pests can cause severe irritation, and in order to gain relief, the dog begins to scratch itself constantly, which then leads to some other secondary infection. While fleas and ticks are easy to detect, mites on the other hand, being microscopic in nature, are a little more difficult to diagnose. Sarcoptic mange and demodex mange are two types of conditions that are caused by mites.

A bacterial infection is generally a secondary infection to some other condition while a fungal infection, such as ringworm, is caused by the fungi that reside in the nails, hair and dead skin tissue. To conclude, whatever the skin condition is, and however mild or serious it may be, it is important that medical care is sought immediately, so as to avoid any further complications.

Dog Vomiting, Shaking Causes | Shivering Dogs Remedies, Treatment

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:56 am

Vomiting and Shaking in Dogs

Dogs commonly eat things that they are not supposed to. This is bound to result in vomiting. Eating unfamiliar foods or even inedible substances could cause a stomach upset and result in vomiting. Vomiting can also be caused by gastritis which is characterized by an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. When vomiting occurs, the stomach requires rest and as such excess of food and fluids must not be given to the dog. For mild stomach upsets, food must not be given to the dog for at least twelve hours. If dog vomiting does not stop, the stomach may require another twelve hours to recover completely.

If the vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea it could be indicative of food poisoning or poisoning from other toxins. Illnesses such as salmonella can also have this effect. The vomiting could also lead to dehydration and hypoglycemia which can result in seizures. Presence of blood in the vomit or stools requires immediate medical attention and the dog must be taken to a veterinary clinic for an examination. Shaking or shivering is also indicative of some kind of stress or discomfort in the dog. It could occur due to injury or illness. Fluids from the body are lost during vomiting and as such dehydration is most likely to follow a bout of vomiting. The dog’s blood sugar levels are also affected, and hypoglycemia is likely to result. Symptoms of hypoglycemia include shivering and weakness. Hypoglycemia in dogs can be prevented by rubbing honey or maple syrup into the gums after every six to seven hours.

To prevent dehydration, the dog must be give small amounts of liquids constantly. During a vomiting bout, giving the dog ice cubes will help to avoid dehydration. It will also keep him from consuming too much water which will only cause more vomiting. In cases of food poisoning or gastritis, the veterinarian is likely to recommend giving the dog bland food that will not exert the stomach too much. Offer such food in very small amounts initially. Offer a bit more of the food once four hours without vomiting has passed. Keep repeating this until the dog is able to eat one third the size of his usual meal thrice a day. Once this continues successfully for three days, you can gradually get the dog to eat his usual food. It is important to remember that if vomiting and shivering occur along with symptoms such as bloody vomit, abdominal tenderness and swelling, pale gums and lack of improvement even after a day, then getting medical attention is very important.

Get to know about dog diarrhea and dog vomiting blood

Dog Appetite Loss Treatments, Causes | Dog Not Eating Food

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:49 am

Increase Dog Appetite:

Usually, dogs have no problem in eating the food you give them. They even go off on their own and chow down on any stale food that they find. However, in some cases due to factors such as stress, weather changes, adjustment to new environments or an inactive lifestyle, dogs may lose their appetite. Appetite loss that occurs temporarily is not a cause for concern. Dogs can remain healthy even if they do not eat for a couple of days. Dogs are also able to fast instinctively when their bodies are in need of detoxification. But if there is a lack of appetite beyond two days and if there is an accompanying weight loss then a veterinary check-up is advisable. This could be indicative of an underlying medical condition.

Appetite loss in dog is often caused by digestive disruptions such as vomiting or diarrhea. In case of diarrhea, it is recommended that you do not force feed the dog as fasting is actually good in such cases. Try and get the dog to drink adequate water to prevent dehydration from taking place. Stress also has an effect on appetite and factors such as a new kennel or an additional pet in the house could cause the dog to lose his appetite. Viral or bacterial infections which result in a fever are likely to reduce the dog’s appetite. In these instances, fasting may be beneficial as the body can focus its energy on fighting the infection rather than on digestion. Seek advice from the veterinarian as to the type of foods that are permissible in such cases. Respiratory illnesses such as kennel cough or asthma may cause the dog to lose appetite. These diseases often reduce the dog’s ability to smell and could contribute to his appetite loss.

It is important to keep a check on your dog’s eating habits. This will help you detect any changes in appetite. If the appetite loss is accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy or any other irregular behavior, a visit to the veterinary clinic is advisable in order to detect any underlying illnesses. Even if your dog has not finished his previous meals, put fresh food in his bowl each day. Try giving him different foods to add variety to his diet. You can also add new toppings on dog food to make the dog interested in his food. Warming up the food accentuates the aromas of the food. This will make the food more enticing for your dog. It could also be possible that someone may be giving your dog biscuits or treats which is causing him to lose his appetite.

Weight Gain Dog Diet, Treatment | How to Increase Dog Weight

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:45 am

Increasing Weight of Dog:

Weight loss in dogs can result from a number of different factors. Illnesses which hamper caloric intake and internal parasites are some of the reasons why weight loss occurs. Gaining extra weight can also become a problem for dogs as it becomes difficult to shed those extra pounds later. As such the focus must be on healthy weight gain which can be brought about by proper diet that is rich in vitamins and proteins and an active lifestyle.

Before beginning on a weight gain measures for your dog, it is advisable to have him examined by a veterinarian first. Blood tests and fecal sample tests will help to eliminate the possibility of illness or intestinal parasites. This must especially be done if your dog has gone through sudden weight loss, as this is often indicative of illness. Weight loss in pets must not be neglected as it could lead to other complications as well. Healthy weight gain is that which is put on gradually. This type of weight gain does not exert the body and is more likely to last. A weighing scale is a good way to detect changes in weight. You can weigh your dog on a weekly basis to keep track of weight gain or loss. This will also determine the effectiveness of the weight gain steps that you are taking for your dog.

When weight loss occurs, there is also likely to be a loss of muscle mass. Protein is required for gaining muscle and as such foods that are high in protein are required. Such foods are rich in amino acids which are absorbed the blood and passed on to the muscles. It is also recommended that commercial dog food be supplemented with fresh human foods such as vegetables, fresh meat, fish and eggs. These new foods must be introduced to the dog gradually to prevent the possibility of an upset stomach. Another way to promote healthy weight gain in dog is to give fresh vegetables treats such as that of celery or carrots. High quality puppy food is richer in proteins and other nutrients, thereby encouraging growth of muscle mass. Such foods can be given to the dog for promoting weight gain. In dogs with severe weight loss due to illness, the veterinarian may prescribe certain high calorie foods. Proper sleep for a couple of hours after every meal helps to slow down digestion, allowing for proper absorption of nutrients and calories. Regular exercise is also a must to enable weight gain through muscle mass formation.

Weight Loss in Dogs Causes | How to Stop Dog Lose Weight

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:41 am

Dog Weight Loss Causes:

When the dog burns off more calories that he is consuming, weight loss is likely to occur. Weight loss may occur due to several reasons. Adjusting to a new home or dislike for certain foods that he is being given are some of the milder reasons for weight loss. However, if the loss of weight in dog is excess of 10 per cent of the dog’s normal weight, it is considered to be a serious problem. Weight loss due to appetite reduction or loss can be indicative of illness. In such cases, veterinary examination is required.

Some of the illnesses that cause weight loss include malabsorption disorder in which the absorption of calories and other nutrients is hampered. Since the dog is unable to receive the essential nutrients, he is likely to lose weight. Digestive disorder occurs due to improper digestion caused by conditions such as chronic diarrhea or pancreatic problems. These conditions result in disruption of the passage of the nutrients through the digestive tract. Weight loss can also be caused by metabolic illnesses such as diabetes, cushing’s disease and addison’s disease. Neuromuscular disorders occur when there is loss of muscle, thereby resulting in weight loss. Cancers cause major weight loss in dogs. This can be dealt with through a special diet which is prescribed by the veterinarian.  Heart disease in dogs is another cause of appetite loss and resulting weight loss. A common problem in dogs is that of internal parasites such as giardia and intestinal worms. If not treated properly, this can result in weight loss.

Weight loss in dogs is not always a serious condition. However, getting the dog examined by a veterinarian is always advisable so that early detection and treatment can be possible. The veterinarian may suggest a specialized diet which will ensure adequate calorie intake through appropriate foods. Appetite stimulants and force feeding may also be recommended in some cases. In case of severe malnourishment, vitamin and mineral supplements may be required. In addition, the dog also requires a comfortable environment while eating so as to eliminate any type of stress that may be hampering his intake of food. Weekly weight examinations are a good way of keeping track of your dog’s health. This also helps to track the success of weight gain measures that you may be administering to your dog. An exercise regime is also important for the dog as this will encourage development of muscle mass.

Dog Eye Injury Symptoms | Dog Eye Trauma Risks

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:38 am

Injured Eye in Dogs:

Eye trauma may occur due to the impact of flat or pointed objects on the eye. Flat objects result in blunt injuries wherein the eye surface is struck without any penetration. This can cause the eye to become displaced from the socket. The eye lens may also shift and bleeding can occur from the eye chamber. Other effects of such injuries include detachment of the retina, fractures of the eye bones and rupture of the eyeball. Pointed objects cause sharp injuries which penetrate the eye. These include injuries from thorns or cat claws. Such injuries may cause tearing of the cornea, conjunctiva and eyelids. Lens injuries and other orbital laceration my also occur.

Eye injuries can occur in dogs at any age. Injuries from cat claws are more common in puppies. Puppies and younger dogs are also more likely to wander away from their owners and hence become the victim of injuries such as those caused by vehicles or other animals. Male dogs that have not been neutered also tend to stray around more and hence place themselves in greater risk of injuries. Minor eye injuries in dogs could result in symptoms such as pawing around the eye area, squinting, blinking, eye redness, cloudiness of the cornea, bruising in the area around the eye and minor bleeding in the eye region. More serious eye injuries could cause severe pain which makes the dog reluctant to have his head examined. Tearing, mucus discharge, bleeding, inability to open the eyelids and change in the eye shape may also occur. The dog may also display lethargy and may not eat or drink properly.

Getting immediate veterinary help is important as the injury could aggravate and cause major damage and even loss of vision. The dog is also likely to undergo a great deal of pain and discomfort if the injury is not treated early. After treatment, caring for the dog at home involves keeping him in a confined area so as not to allow for further injuries. The dog must also be kept in a quiet and peaceful area to allow for proper rest and recovery. He must also not be allowed to paw at or rub the eye excessively as it could worsen the injury and cause infection. This can be prevented by making him wear an Elizabethan collar around the neck. This collar will be available with the veterinarian. It is important not to give the dog any over-the-counter medicines or eye products meant for humans as it may aggravate the condition.

Symptoms and Signs of Sick Cat | Sickness in Cats

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 1:31 am

Symptoms of Cat Sickness:

The issue of symptoms of sick cat is a tough one because there are so many possible symptoms of sickness in cats and, often, the less obvious ones are simply overlooked. There are obvious signs of a sick cat such as the appearance of lesions which could imply a number of things such as parasitic worms or some kind of allergy. There could be other symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea or it could be simply that the cat visibly looks sick. The cat could have lost weight and its coat could be unhealthy. Overt problems are usually picked up on by their owners, yet there is always the possibility of mistaking a serious illness for a minor one or simply misdiagnosing the cat. This is a possibility even with a veterinarian involved because it is simply impractical to order a full battery of tests for the cat when presented with seemingly minor symptoms. Misdiagnosis is often too common and one could always be mistaken about symptoms. For instance, there is the possibility of believing that the cat is sick or is simply overweight when the cat is in the early stages of pregnancy.

Then again there are subtle signs of sick cat, which are often not noticed till the problem becomes severe. For instance, it is easy not to notice that one’s pet cat has not been as active of late or is disinclined to move about much. With cats spending a large part of their days sleeping, it is easy for such signs to go completely unnoticed. It helps if owners look for signs of listlessness, depression or growing lethargy to catch problems early. Behavioral changes are often common in cats experiencing health problems. Symptoms often involve regular habits of your cat such as visits to the kitty litter box or when it comes to eating. Changes in such behavior, such as lesser frequency or increased frequency, could be a sign of trouble. In some cases, sickness might have no obvious physical symptoms in your cat but behaviors might be different or the owner simply suspects that something is off. The cat’s coat is typically another good indicator of the cat’s state of health as sickness invariably shows up quite noticeably. As you can tell, looking for signs of a sick cat is never really simple and it is best to trust your instinct in such cases.

Red Bumps on Cats Treatments | Feline Miliary Dermatitis Causes

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , , — Nik @ 1:27 am

Feline Miliary Dermatitis:

What appears to be red bumps on cat could mean a variety of things and it would be best to let the veterinarian do the needful to determine the cause of these red bumps. Prima facie, these red bumps could be referred to as feline miliary dermatitis. This is the term given to skin problems faced by your cat and could also go by different names like feline eczema. To reiterate, this is just one explanation for these red bumps you see on your cat and there could be other explanations for the same. It is ultimately for your veterinarian to decide the nature of these bumps. Aside from a physical examination, your cat’s vet might need to test your cat to get a better understanding of the causes behind the appearance of these red bumps. The inflammation could be accounted for by a number of different triggers such as a possibility that your cat is allergic to something. A flea allergy might be behind these bumps and it would be advisable to treat both the cat and the cat’s surroundings, or the environment if you discover or suspect even a single flea. Flea allergies are common not only in cats but also in other pets, such as dogs. Such a skin inflammation could be caused in your cat by a host of other problems such as infections and diseases. For this reason, it would be advisable to seek out causes behind the dermatitis before attempting to treat the cat yourself. It might be tempting to apply topical solutions and other generic ointments but unless you know the reasons why these bumps have cropped up, simply treating the symptom alone can be dangerous. For instance, it could be that an autoimmune condition has led to miliary dermatitis.

These red bumps or lesions on cat could appear in a number of places and the spread could also vary. These could also cause your cat to scratch a lot since the itch can be terrible. It is important to note that since causes could be as varied as intestinal parasites and food allergies so it is important to get an accurate diagnosis. For instance, if it is a flea problem, as is most commonly seen in such cases, the solution could lie in eliminating the fleas from your pet as well as taking care of the cat’s environment so as to bring down any chances of recurrence.

Remedies for Cat Skin Infection | Treatments for Cat Skin Problems

Filed under: Cat Health — Tags: , , , — Nik @ 1:23 am

Cat Skin Problems:

Cats can have a variety of skin infections and problems and thus there could be a number of ways of treating the same. In the first place, it helps to know what kind of infection affecting your cat you are dealing with. For this purpose, a visit to the vet would be the best course of action. For instance, it could be an underlying cat health problem which affects your cat’s coat, which then looks like a skin infection. Genetic diseases in cats often result in such skin problems. On the other hand, the skin infection your cat has could be bacterial in nature and this typically results from a cut or some kind of scrape that your cat has had. A third possibility is that the infection afflicting your beloved cat is fungal in nature. As you can see, a cat skin infection is not always a straightforward problem and it does require a lot of attention. When it comes to genetic problems affecting your cat’s skin or possible bacterial infections, in general the term skin dermatoses is used.

The problem with home remedies is that it is dangerous to let your cat’s skin infection go unchecked when the underlying problem is unclear. Your cat deserves a thorough checkup with a physical examination and possible blood and urine tests. The cat’s veterinarian would be able to tell you about the necessary tests depending on your cat’s condition as well as history. In the case of home treatment for cat skin diseases or to supplement the medication prescribed for your cat, in addition to basic hygiene you might have to look at options like an Elizabethan collar, depending on the infection. It could help to look at more discernable sources of skin problems such as fleas that might have led to an allergic reaction in your cat. Another place to look would be your cat’s general diet and see if improved nutrition helps your cat and results in a better coat. In some cases, medicated shampoos have successfully been used at home, depending on your cat’s skin infection. These tips might help in general cases of cat skin disease but your vet would be in the best position to guide you regarding the infection your cat’s skin seems to have. It is important to have timely intervention before your cat’s skin infection gets worse. In the case of some bacterial infections there is a danger posed to your cat since there is the possibility of spreading to your pet’s bloodstream.

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