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Dog Food Safety at Home | Household Dangers for Dogs

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: — Nik @ 11:57 pm

Dog Food Safety

Many dog owners are unaware that simple foods or household items may pose a serious health risk to their dog. One of the main reasons why dogs end up with digestive problems or even more long term damage is because they are fed table scraps or human food.

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate is an extremely unsafe dog food on account of the presence of a chemical in cocoa called theobromine. Theobromine is known to bring on seizures in dogs, internal bleeding or even heart attacks and if consumed in large quantities may also be fatal. Garlic and onions are also not considered as safe dog food as they cause the red blood cells to break down thus resulting in hemolytic anemia in dogs. Grapes, Nuts and raisins are all considered as toxic dog food as they may cause the dog to choke if not swallowed properly and may also result in the formation of bladder stones.

Similarly there are also many other household dangers for dogs such as anti freeze which tends to smell and taste good to dogs but is highly toxic for them resulting in death if consumed in significant quantities. Dog safety at home may also be compromised if household items like plant food, fertilizers, household detergents, batteries, bleach etc are not kept away from the dog’s reach as they can be toxic if consumed. Even seemingly harmless foods like fruits may prove to be dangerous for your dog because the seeds in most fruits are poisonous to dogs and may bring about excessive dog drooling, lethargy and even vomiting. Dog food safety at home should be maintained by storing the dog food in air tight containers away from ants, flies and rodents who could contaminate it. Similarly the dog’s feeding bowls should be made of materials like metal or ceramic rather than plastic since plastic if not washed properly harbors bacteria which could enter the dog’s system via the food. Dogs are generally playful and inquisitive by nature; hence household objects like loose wires may be deemed as a play thing by them and could end up giving them a serious electrical jolt if chewed. Hence electrical cords should be tied securely and taped to the wall if necessary.

Chewing on wires by the dog can be discouraged by spraying the wires with some bitter apple spray or any other unpleasant tasting flavor. Similarly medications prescribed for humans may cause long term harm if consumed by dogs.

Puppy Shot Schedule | Vaccinations for Puppies Health Care

Filed under: Puppy Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 7:04 am

Puppy Vaccination Schedule

Vaccination or puppy shots are an extremely crucial part of owning a dog as it ensures that the dog will have a long and healthy life. Most puppies when born have a certain amount of immunity to infections and diseases on account of the antibodies they derive via the placenta from their mother’s blood. During the first 24 hours post birth the puppy receives additional anti bodies via the mother’s first milk which is also called colostrums.

However, thereafter the puppy is highly susceptible to any infection or virus. Before setting a puppy vaccination schedule care should be taken to consider the duration during which the puppy has not received his mother’s milk as this means that there will be a significantly lower amount of anti bodies in the puppy which will make the vaccine more effective. Else the maternal anti bodies in the puppy will attack the vaccine and thereby nullify its effect. An ideal puppy shot schedule will begin when the puppy is around six weeks of age. Typically a puppy is initially given a combination vaccine at six weeks of age which is then followed up with a booster puppy shot every three weeks till the puppy is almost sixteen weeks of age. When an average puppy is almost five weeks old the first puppy shot administered by the vet is against parvovirus. The next in the list of puppy vaccines is the Combination vaccine which provides immunity against parvovirus, adenovirus cough and hepatitis, Para influenza and distemper and is administered to a puppy between six to nine weeks of age. When the puppy is around 12 weeks of age the vet will usually administer the rabies vaccine. The next vaccine for puppies is again the combination vaccine but this time it will also provide immunity against coronavirus, Lyme and Leptospirosis. Adult booster shots are given by the vet depending on the overall health of the puppy and the environmental conditions it is exposed to.

However each time the puppy is vaccinated it should be monitored closely to see if there are any changes in its activity level or appetite. Some puppies tend to have allergic reactions to these vaccines which may range from mild reactions such as decreased appetite, lethargy, slight fever etc to even more serious reactions such as anaphylaxis which starts out with vomiting or diarrhea and may lead to seizures, drop in blood pressure and even death in some cases.

Cat Adoption Tips Things to Know | Before Getting a Cat

Filed under: Cat Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 7:01 am

Adopting a Cat

Many a time’s kittens are considered as the most popular pets to gift to children on account of their mischievous temperaments and manageable size. However before adopting a cat there are various factors that should be taken into consideration because the cat will require a significant investment of time, money and energy depending on the breed.

Common cat adoption tips involve the prospective owner first ascertaining if there is adequate space in their house or living space to accommodate the cat comfortably as they tend to enjoy their freedom of movement. The temperament, physical attributes such as size, length of coat etc of the cat breed should also be researched upon before getting a cat. There are some breeds of cats that are more likely to aggravate allergies than others hence those who are sensitive should take the right decision while adopting a cat. The gender of the cat also is a deciding factor during cat adoption. This is because male cats are usually more friendly and comfortable with their owners as compared to female cats who are more reserved and cautious. It is always beneficial to contact your vet or an authorized cat adoption center so as to ensure that there is no indiscriminate breeding and the cats are healthy. After getting the cat ensure that it is given all the necessary vaccinations against Rhinitracheitis, Panleukopenia etc and should also be treated against ticks and fleas. Before adopting an adult cat always ask for its medical records to ensure that it has received all its vaccinations and to check for any alarming medical issues in the past. While adopting a cat it is also necessary to match your lifestyle to see if it is suitable to owning a pet. Although your kitten may be adorable initially it will still require a significant amount of commitment and training to ensure that they do not claw the furniture thereby ruining it and are used to using the litter box or even don’t chew on the plants in the house.

While adopting a cat from a breeder or an adoption center make sure that you are aware of the kind of foods that are good for cats or the ones your cat in particular has been fed. There are various accessories that may also need to be purchased from your local pet store such as collars, toys, feeding bowls, litter box etc.

Dog Adoption Tips – Things to Know | Before Getting a Dog

Filed under: Dog Care — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:58 am

Dog Adoption

Although a puppy may seem to be adorable and cute at first all prospective dog owners must realize that adopting a dog requires investment of time, money, energy and a lot of patience.

Before getting a dog, one should ascertain the reason for doing so. Sometimes owners may say that they are adopting the dog for their son or daughter however they need to realize that the dog is a family responsibility and eventually everyone will get involved in its supervision and care. In some cases a dog may be adopted to provide protection however this is advisable only if the protection is in agricultural or professional areas and there is a qualified dog trainer or dog behavior specialist available. Additionally some people may adopt some exotic breeds of dogs just because they are trendy or fashionable. However in the long run they may not be able to groom or maintain the dog suitably. Some people are also sensitive or allergic to dog’s fur or dried skin cells. In such cases they may want to adopt dogs that are non allergenic or tend to shed lesser than other breeds of dogs. While adopting a dog the individual needs to remember that owning a dog is a fairly long term commitment which could go upto 16 yrs. Hence one should keep in mind the lifestyle changes that they will have to undergo to accommodate the dog. Owning a dog also requires a significant amount of financial investment on account of their food, grooming, training, medical costs, accessories etc. Besides the breed of the dog, the prospective dog owner should also be sure of the gender he wants to adopt as female dogs tends to be more companionable and friendly as compared to male dogs. However female dogs tend to get troublesome during their six monthly menstruation. Some common dog adoption tips will require the individual to consider the size of their living space before adopting a dog as each breed is physically different from the other. Elderly people of families having children may also need to check the temperament and suitability of the dog as some breeds get along better with children and the elderly as compared to other breeds. The time required for grooming or maintaining a dogs coat is another key deciding factor.

If the individual already has other dogs and cats living with them then they need to check the adjustability factor of the breed before adopting a dog.

Quality Cat Food | Natural High Quality Foods for Feline

Filed under: Cat Diet — Tags: — Nik @ 6:55 am

High Quality Cat Food

It is not the easiest thing to replicate all the required nutrients that a cat gets from a commercial diet with a homemade one but it can be done. A quality cat food diet should include 2/3 parts of meat, about one-third of some grains and also some vegetables or some fruit. Be careful about feeding too much of fish like tuna or salmon as they do not all have the vitamins that every cat needs in its daily diet. The cat owner can try to increase the fiber in his cat’s diet by including a few supplements. One can try adding a teaspoon of the one of the preferred vegetable oils. Some cats do enjoy these kinds of foods, but some others may not. For those cats that will not eat these foods, one can try some variations and mix these in with their regular diet. A high quality cat food is recommended by almost all vets as this prevents the cats from suffering from various problems. The natural cat food provides the cat with the nutrients, vitamins, fiber that it needs.

There are various different diets that do exist for cats that are termed as healthy cat food. Some of these are especially made for senior cats, or there may be light food diets that are meant for those cats that are ill or even weak. There are also some diets that are especially designed by certain vets or specialists and aim at preventing certain conditions from developing like hairballs in cats etc. There are also certain medical diets that are compiled by vets and consist of healthy cat food that aim at proving the ailing cat with the lost nutrients its needs or with food that is designed to help a cat recover.

One can get a good cat diet by mixing cat food that comes ready and canned with some of the natural homemade cat food. For those cat owners who are concerned that their pet may not be getting adequate water a simple solution exists, this is to simply add water to the cat’s food. When making a dish like chicken broth one can always add a little bit more water without spoiling the taste of the meal. One can even try doing this with some the commercial meals. There are various grains that are considered good for a cat and that can be added to the diet like brown rice, millet, oats etc.

Dog Drinking Lot of Water | Excessive Water Intake in Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: — Nik @ 6:51 am

Dog Excess Water Intake

When a dog drinks a lot of water it always becomes a question of concern for the owners or care takers. The main concerns that arise from a dog drinking lot of water is whether the dog might be ill or if this might be an indication of the dog exhibiting signs of some kind of behavioral issues. At times a dog drinking too much water can simply be a sign of a dog liking water a lot. However this may lead to a certain kidney condition which is referred to as medullary washout. This condition may lead to a dog drinking a lot of water. However over time this condition can get normal by itself. The main reasons for this increase in water intake can be tied down primarily to conditions like kidney failure, diabetes and even Cushing’s disease. One can establish quite easily if one’s pet is suffering from any of these conditions by simply running a few urine and blood tests.

It is easiest to diagnose if a dog has diabetes by using a urine strip. This strip will help in establishing if there is any glucose in the dog’s urine. Some other symptoms to watch out for are weight loss in one’s dog also accompanied by high levels of glucose in the dog’s bloodstream. When the dog’s kidneys lose their ability to concentrate water it leads to a condition called as renal failure. This leads to a lot of water loss through the dog’s urine leading further to kidney damage. At times the dog might be exposed to certain toxins that can cause this kidney damage, however at times this condition can develop in older dogs for no apparent cause. Cushing’s disease is the disease that is caused because of hormones. In this case the dog’s adrenal gland produces a lot of cortisol. This then leads to a loss of water into the dog’s urine while at the same time leading to an increase in the amount of water the dog drinks. At times the dog may just be drinking a lot of water if it gets excessively hot. There is no fixed amount of water that a dog is supposed to drink everyday. Also the dog’s diet can play a vital role in the quantity of water the dog drinks. Those dogs that live on a dry diet will try to make up for this by drinking a lot of water. If the dog gets a lot of exercise then this can also lead to the dog drinking plenty of water.

Chinchilla as Pet | Chinchillas Health Care, Vaccination Tips

Filed under: Chinchilla — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:47 am

Chinchilla as Pet

Chinchilla’s can make great pets even though a lot of people may not think so. They are known to be very capable of getting attached and bonding well with their owners. They also can show great affection for their owner or even for entire families. What makes a difference to a chinchilla being a good pet is the way in which it has been raised, the kind of attention it would have got when it was young and also when they are growing.

When a chinchilla is born it needs to be handled by human’s right from the start so that they learn the art of socializing with humans. The human contact or touch is required for the chinchilla to grow up to be loving and affectionate. Normally when breeders tend to breed chinchilla’s they restrict the number so that they have enough time to socialize and handle these chinchillas one on one. This is even essential for those who are show breeders.

The problem with a pet chinchilla arises when they are store bought. Normally the store bought chinchillas tend to not be as sociable as the stores do not have the man power to keep socializing with the chinchillas, hence when opting to buy a chinchilla it is advisable to buy one straight from a breeder. Here the owner will have a better chance of getting a chinchilla that will socialize better. There are various reasons why people like owning chinchillas; these include the fact that chinchillas require no vaccines on a regular basis. Also because chinchillas have soft and thick fur they do not ever get fleas. Chinchillas are also less likely to fall ill as compared to other pets hence they lessen the time an owner needs to spend with the vets. Chinchillas are also natural comedians and hence make great companions. The most important point to make a not of with regards to chinchilla care is finding out who can treat a chinchilla if it falls ill. Since they are rare animals most vets may not be able to care for a chin. Chinchilla health care also requires giving the chinchilla enough space in its cage for it to move around. It should preferably have some place to sleep along with some wooden shelves. They should also be kept away from the light. Chinchillas are nocturnal animals and like to play and have fun at night.

Acid Reflux in Dogs Medication | Canine Gastroesophageal Reflux Treatment

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 6:14 am

Dog Gastroesophageal Reflux

Acid reflux is a common medical condition in dogs. It occurs when the dog’s lower esophagus sphincter, which is a small valve in the esophagus, doesn’t work properly. This natural valve opens up when the dog is consuming food to let the food pass into the stomach. However, if for some reason, the sphincter doesn’t function properly, it may open after the food has passed on to the stomach. In such a case, the food passes back into the esophagus and carries with it digestive enzymes and other gastric juices.

When this happens, the dog experiences a burning sensation in the chest. The acids from the stomach can irritate or burn the lining of the esophagus. The lining of the stomach is such that the acids cannot harm it. However, the same cannot be said about the lining of the esophagus.

Acid reflux in dogs is usually caused when the dog eats a very heavy meal, or a meal rich in fatty acids, right before going to sleep. Such a meal causes pressure to build inside the stomach and this causes the sphincter to open up. Normally, when the esophagus is healthy, it can withstand pressure up to a certain point. However, the pressure may mount and the aggressive gastric juices may enter into the esophagus and subsequently the mouth. A healthy and balanced diet can help make sure that your dog does not experience this problem. Another way to avoid acid reflux is to make sure that there is some gap between the dog’s dinner and bed time.

For treating acid reflux in dogs at home, the best treatment is to give antacids. These can help neutralize stomach acids so that the esophagus does not get very irritated. If the problem is severe, take the dog to a vet. The vet will prescribe medication for acid reflux in dog. The vet will prescribe some H2 blockers which can help block the acids from being generated.

Though there are many other medications that can be prescribed for dogs, it is best to avoid them since they can only provide temporary relief and have many side effects. Some of these medicines that the vet may prescribe for your dog include cimetidine and bismuth subsalicylate. Both of these help in reducing the discomfort caused by the burning sensations. These will also help reduce the nausea caused due to the acid reflux. The veterinarian can tell you the exact dosages of such medicines.

Cat Mange Home Remedy, Treatment | Notoedric, Otodectic Mange in Cats

Filed under: Home Remedies — Tags: — Nik @ 12:02 am

Cat Mange Remedies

Mange is a skin disease that affects domestic pets. Mange is caused by parasites in the animal’s skin. The type of parasite that is found in the skin may defer from case to case but the classification remains as a mange infection. Parasites that cause mange are found in the hair, the open hair follicles and in the skin. Mange is contagious as the parasites and the infections caused by them can spread from pet to pet. Mange infections can also affect human beings. Parasites that cause cat mange can live on the skin of the pet but can also burrow tiny microscopic tunnels where they may spend their whole lives. They lay their eggs in the burrows from which new born mites come.

Infected cat mange symptoms include constant scratching due to itching, bumps or lumps on the skin that look like human chicken pox infections and patches where hair is lost. These patches appear as the disease progresses. Mange can also cause scabs on the skin. These form due to the cat’s habit of scratching the irritated skin. There are different scientifically classified cat mange types. Otodectic mange affects the cat’s ear and the ear may appear to have pus seeping out of it and may be bright red in color. Notoedric mange is known by the term scabies. This affects the entire body of the cat and can cause hair loss and red, irritated skin. A crust may also form on the skin surface due to the skin injuries that occur from scratching and from the mites themselves. Notoedric mange is caused by the type of mites that burrow into the skin surface and treating this is more complicated than treating Otodectic mange.

You can solve your pet’s mange condition at home with some useful home remedies. It is always good to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment, but there are ways to make your cat’s life easier at home using some simple remedies. Primarily, you should clean your cat’s bedding and change the entire area that it lives in. Bedding should be washed thoroughly. Bathing your cat regularly with an antiseptic soap will also help to heal the sores although it might be uncomfortable for the pet. You can even prepare a lemon based concoction as an effective cat mange home remedy. A half lemon, with its peel should be kept overnight in boiled water as the water is cooling. The resulting lemon water can be used on the sores and scabs.

High Quality Dog Food | Natural Healthy Foods for Dogs

Filed under: Dog Diet — Tags: — Nik @ 11:37 pm

High Quality Foods for Dogs

Good quality food is always the most important factor in good health. The same applies for dogs as well. A dog fed with healthy dog food is likely to be in a much better condition and perhaps may even live longer than a dog that is not fed properly. Animals including humans need a whole range of foods to nourish their bodies. A healthy diet must contain a balance of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and dietary fiber. Eating food that misses any one of these vital food groups is not recommended. Many brands will advertise high quality dog food but the reality, as with humans, is that natural food is required and is better than processed food.

Dogs that are fed solely on dog food tend to not be completely healthy. This is because processed foods tend to have a fixed amount of certain vitamins and minerals in them. While this works in a laboratory, a dog’s digestive system is changing every day. Food requirement for the dog depends on the way the dog has spent the day. A natural diet offers some variability in nutrition. On some days, the diet may have more meat in it, while on some days it might have a few vegetables included.  This variability is ideal for dog health. This is why a dog that is fed with dog food can be healthy if it also feeds on scraps from the table. Owners tend to indulge their dogs with such scraps like bones from meat. This inadvertently gives the dog a good amount of its nutrition that it requires.

Dogs tend to thrive on a meat based diet. Many veterinarians suggest poultry as the best kind of meat for a dog. One can occasionally give your dog other types of meat both to avoid boredom and to offer different nutrition. Quality dog food is available in the market but this should not be the end of your diet for the dog. The best way to judge how you are feeding your dog is by the way your dog is behaving and responding to you. A dog that is well fed is likely to be healthy, have a good coat and skin condition, be energetic and appear to be happy. Good nutrition also requires plenty of water and water bowl with clean fresh water should be kept near the dog’s reach so that your dog is well hydrated.

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