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Dog Nausea Treatment | Natural Remedies for Dog Motion Sickness

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 1:39 am

Dog Nausea is a common canine problem that every dog owner should know about. Although you might not be able to recognize the symptoms, it is quite common that just like humans your dog might feel nauseated at times. Immediate medical attention can help identify the seriousness of the nausea and pinpoint the most likely cause, so that treatment can began right away.  A change in diet, stomach upset, worms, intestinal problems, or even pregnancy are some of the possible causes of nausea. Dogs licking or chewing excessively may also be a warning sign. Abdominal swelling or a dull coat of hair could be caused by intestinal worms.

Equally important are the symptoms of nausea in dogs. Dry heaving, excessive chewing, diarrhea, are some of the most common symptoms.  Dog owners should get familiar with all these symptoms at the earliest, so that they can take interim steps for relief in the event that veterinary assistance is not immediately available.  This will minimize the dog’s suffering. If the dog is still alert and has an appetite then it may not be a cause for concern, at least not before the vet examines him. Before any treatment for nausea can be started, the cause should be determined and the vet should be informed whether this is a one time affair or has been occurring frequently.  Some medications are specifically intended to treat gastric swelling or similar digestive conditions, but the owner should be able to recognize the seriousness of the condition and not simply rely on home treatment if there is a need for veterinary attention.

Dog Nausea Treatment

Ensure that your dog drinks plenty of water after it has vomited, to prevent dehydration in its system. Allow some time to pass before you administer any fluids and make sure you wait for at least six hours before the dog is fed. After the stomach has recovered you can administer small amounts of water in regular intervals. Your dog should be given more small meals instead of one large one. Add raw garlic in the dog’s diet to protect its digestive tract from parasites.  Give your dog bland food like rice cooked soft to soothe the stomach and intestines.

Herbs for Dog Travel Sickness

Dog motion sickness treatment can include natural remedies like ginger and mint. However, it is important to discuss any and all treatment methods with your vet to prevent complications.

Dog Nausea After Eating – Treatment, Remedy And Medications

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 2:06 am

Dog Nausea After Eating

Some of the common causes for nausea in dogs include motion sickness, pregnancy in case of female dogs, eating too much too quickly, a blockage in the stomach or intestine, change in the diet etc. The common symptoms displayed by a dog who is feeling nauseous include excessive drooling, dry heaving, excessive licking and chewing, diarrhea etc. Many a times there may be dog nausea after eating and this may be because of the dog eating its food too fast or a blockage in the dog’s digestive tract or simply because the dog has yet to adjust to a new addition to its daily diet. Before undertaking any dog nausea treatment it is important to determine the exact cause of the vomiting and nausea and to also check whether it is a single episode or a  the dog has been vomiting or feeling nauseous frequently. Some dog nausea medications are specifically designed to treat serious illnesses like food poisoning or gastric dilation and volvulus, which are commonly referred to as bloat or GDV. Sometimes dog nausea after eating may also be observed if the dog has some food particle lodged in its throat. which it is trying to expel or if it has ingested a foreign material which is interfering with the digestion process.

Dog nausea home remedies include taking away the dog’s access to food for 12 to 24 hrs from the first episode of vomiting depending on the severity and the frequency of the vomiting. This will help the dog’s stomach to recover and rest. The dog may also be given some maple syrup in the ratio of one large spoon of maple syrup for every 15 pounds of the dig’s weight. In case of dog nausea, the owner should also monitor the amount of water the dog is drinking because a typical response to nausea in dogs is excessive fast drinking of water which will again cause the dog to vomit thereby worsening the upset stomach of the dog. In case the dog refuses to drink any water then the owner should feed the dog some diluted clear soup such as chicken soup or low sodium broth so as to ensure that the dog is not dehydrated. Once the time limit of at least 12 hours following vomiting has passed, the dog may be fed a couple of bites worth of food and if he is able to hold that food down for at least four hours then he may be fed some more, but not his complete meal.