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Koolie Dog Breed | Breeders | Size, Weight and Temperament of Koolie Dog

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 11:49 pm

Information on Koolie Dog, Breeders and Temperament

The Koolie dog has origins in Australia and the Koolie dog breeds have been around for many centuries. Its ancestors are believed to be German Tigers and the blue merle coasted Collie. There are many stories about the genealogy of the Koolie Dog. He dog’s photographs have been found in many old breeders’ journals.

Most Koolie dog breeders refer to this dog as a breed rather than a type. A breeders’ organization decides the standards for Koolie dogs in Australia. Since 2000, Australian breeders are working towards preserving the breed. Today, in New Zealand, there is an attempt to get the Koolie dog recognized from New Zealand as it has been recognized in Australia. Nowadays this dog is getting popular in other countries.

This is a medium sized dog that is athletic and apparently tireless. It looks like a cross between the Australian Collie and the Australian Kelpie. One of the most distinct features of this dog is the color of its eyes. It has either one or both blue eyes. If it has one eye blue, then the other tends to be black or brown. It has a short coat and medium in length. It tends to shed but no more than an average dog. It also needs regular grooming and cleaning. The colors that a Koolie is available in are red, black, merle, blue merle, tri merle, and occasionally there are even patches and markings on the coat. This breed’s average weight is about 44 pounds and can grow to a height of 22 inches. It has a life expectancy of 15 to 18 years. An average litter size is 6 puppies.

The koolie dog has an affable temperament but will not lead a happy life in an apartment. It is a herding dog and is still sought after in Australia for its herding capabilities. If it is kept as a pet, it will generally herd family around. They can herd any animal from ducks to bulls. These dogs are very agile and excel at any kind of sports. These dogs often make it to films and television series. It is not an aggressive breed and gets along well with other pets in the family too.

This dog breed is also prone to health problems. These dogs are susceptible to joint problems and injuries. As the dogs get older, they become prone to muscle and ligament tears due to jumping activities. Some dogs have defective genes that can cause blindness.

Facts About Kerry Beagle Dog Breed and Puppies | Size and Weight

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , — Nick @ 6:27 am

Information About Kerry Beagle Dog

The Kerry Beagle has descended from the Old Southern Hound. It is considered to be one of the Oldest Irish Hounds. The kerry beagle dog was originally used to track the scent of game, following which the bigger dogs were sent to complete the hunt. Kerry beagles are still used for hunting purposes. They usually hunt hares. The breed almost died, but was brought back when the French dog, Braque de l’Ariege was added. It is not known for certain why the term beagle is used in the name of this breed since the Kerry Beagle has never been a small dog like the Beagle. Previously, the Kerry Beagle was much larger, but still held the label of Beagle for many years. Today, the Irish term for this breed is Pocadan, which implies a hunting dog.

The Kerry Beagle dog breed was initially used for the purpose of stag hunting for which great stamina and speed was required. Today these dogs are used mainly for hunting hares. The sport of hare hunting on foot is a popular activity carried out in Ireland. It is an interesting experience to watch the dogs work their way around the mountainsides. Hare are not usually caught in this sport and if a hare seems to be in distress or danger, the hunt is called off. The Kerry beagle participates in drag trials which are held in Ireland. They display considerable independence and speed during the trials. The Kerry Beagle is a medium sized dog with long ears and a broad head. The muzzle is of medium length and deep. This breed is considerably larger in size than a beagle. The coat is short and usually of a black and tan coloration. In some cases, the coat may also be white and tan, black or tan and blue mottled. The dogs weigh about 60 pounds. Their height ranges between 22 to 24 inches. The appearance of this breed gives an indication of the endurance, stamina and speed that these dogs possess. The breed is primarily a pack dog and not considered to be a true breed.

Kerry beagle puppies are pack dogs and hence display strong hunting instincts. But they also make good family pets and get along well with children and other pets in the household. Kerry beagles require a great deal of exercise and need to be walked two to three times every day.

Facts About Alaskan Malamute Dog Breed, Puppies and Breeders | Temperament and Price

Filed under: Dog Breeds — Tags: , , , , , , , , , — Nick @ 1:58 am

Alaskan Malamute Dog

Very often mistaken for the Siberian husky, the Alaskan malamute dog is known to be a very quiet and sociable animal. In the world today dogs are one of the most common domesticated pets all over the world and are also very regularly used to perform a number of security tasks because of their keen natural hunting instincts. However, for all their ability to provide a considerable layer of security to a domestic environment, to be able to detect the presence of narcotics or explosives when serving the national guard or even acting as an instrument of vision for the visually impaired, the trait that dogs – regardless of breed – are most well-known for is the fact that they are very loyal and caring animals towards their masters. When treated well a layer of mutual respect develops between man and beast that will see the master be able to tell when the animal isn’t feeling too well and vice versa despite the fact that no words can be exchanged.  The Alaskan malamute is a breed of dog that falls into the ‘large’ category and is an animal that looks rather majestic, albeit a little intimidating for someone that isn’t too comfortable around dogs.

Information on Alaskan Malamute Facts, Puppies and Breeders

Right from being Alaskan malamute puppies, these dogs are extensively trained to grow into their role of sled dogs and mushing. Although, it must be said that recently, more and more Alaskan malamute breeders say that an increasing number of this dog breed are being solely kept on as house dogs. With regards to size, the Alaskan malamute dog is definitely the largest of all arctic dogs and some of its more noticeable features include the plumed tail that is held over its back. Aesthetically majestic, the animal has a wide head that sports erect ears and medium sized almond or dark brown colored eyes. The animal’s feet are surprisingly large, but help it maneuver the terrain more proficiently. Alaskan malamute facts state that a dog with blue eyes is not considered to be standard as per the kennel club authorities. There is a lot of Alaskan malamute information available over sources such as the internet as well as pet books that should be available in your local bookstore, all listing interesting Alaskan malamute facts as well as tidbits that will help you care for the animal better were you to go down to the local pound and perform a Alaskan malamute rescue.

Temperament and Price of Alaskan Malamute

The Alaskan malamute temperament sees it being a very docile dog that is extremely family oriented and loyal. However, to ensure that the animal has the right mentality as an adult, the canine instincts need to be met while still Alaskan malamute puppies. Because of their natural habitat, the Alaskan malamute is likely to feel more at home when it is outdoors rather than being locked up in the confines of a tiny apartment. The Alaskan malamute puppy is a very physical dog – meaning that they need to make sure they get a considerable amount of exercise over the course of day in order to make sure that the do not have too much energy to burn when inside the house. It is also important for the Alaskan malamute to be handled by an owner with a strong character as they have rather strong characters themselves and in the event that they start to believe that the owners character is not as strong or stern as it should be to lead, they will assume leadership and getting them to perform most actions when they have this understanding built up in their heads can be very hard to do. Unless trained when still Alaskan malamute puppies, they can be rather hard to train at later stages. If one is considering buying the dog, it is best to check on the alaskan malamute price at various places.

Dog Nausea Treatment | Natural Remedies for Dog Motion Sickness

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 1:39 am

Dog Nausea is a common canine problem that every dog owner should know about. Although you might not be able to recognize the symptoms, it is quite common that just like humans your dog might feel nauseated at times. Immediate medical attention can help identify the seriousness of the nausea and pinpoint the most likely cause, so that treatment can began right away.  A change in diet, stomach upset, worms, intestinal problems, or even pregnancy are some of the possible causes of nausea. Dogs licking or chewing excessively may also be a warning sign. Abdominal swelling or a dull coat of hair could be caused by intestinal worms.

Equally important are the symptoms of nausea in dogs. Dry heaving, excessive chewing, diarrhea, are some of the most common symptoms.  Dog owners should get familiar with all these symptoms at the earliest, so that they can take interim steps for relief in the event that veterinary assistance is not immediately available.  This will minimize the dog’s suffering. If the dog is still alert and has an appetite then it may not be a cause for concern, at least not before the vet examines him. Before any treatment for nausea can be started, the cause should be determined and the vet should be informed whether this is a one time affair or has been occurring frequently.  Some medications are specifically intended to treat gastric swelling or similar digestive conditions, but the owner should be able to recognize the seriousness of the condition and not simply rely on home treatment if there is a need for veterinary attention.

Dog Nausea Treatment

Ensure that your dog drinks plenty of water after it has vomited, to prevent dehydration in its system. Allow some time to pass before you administer any fluids and make sure you wait for at least six hours before the dog is fed. After the stomach has recovered you can administer small amounts of water in regular intervals. Your dog should be given more small meals instead of one large one. Add raw garlic in the dog’s diet to protect its digestive tract from parasites.  Give your dog bland food like rice cooked soft to soothe the stomach and intestines.

Herbs for Dog Travel Sickness

Dog motion sickness treatment can include natural remedies like ginger and mint. However, it is important to discuss any and all treatment methods with your vet to prevent complications.

Dog Menstruation Symptoms | Heat Cycle | Symptoms of Female Dog Menstruation

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 1:19 am

Dog Menstruation Symptoms

The estrous cycle is the time when female dogs are in heat, and have a high possibility of getting pregnant if they have mated. The estrous cycle is the fertile two or three days of the period of heat in the female dog, and the owner must learn to recognize this brief period if he is serious about the dogs’ breeding. During the first part of the estrous cycle there will be a noticeable increase in the dogs’ urination, and the vulva will swell up. In smaller dogs this is less noticeable and requires greater attention and perception from the owner. A second symptom is a continuous discharge of blood from the vagina.  It is a common and natural occurrence for a dog when it is in heat and nothing to be alarmed about. Even if you miss these 2 symptoms, the third one will be right on target. All male dogs in the vicinity will pick up the scent given off by the dog in heat, and they will then try to remain as close as possible. If you don’t want her to get pregnant don’t let her out of the house or out of your sight, as she may mate with a stray dog which would increase her risk of suffering from infections.

The duration of the heat cycle is around 90 days, and the dog goes through the cycle once approximately every seven months.  Her progesterone levels will indicate if she is pregnant, so you can keep a check.  Heat symptoms of the female dog should be monitored regularly, besides proper health and correct training are necessary for your dogs’ welfare. While there are many genuine healthy dog products in the market, there are also a lot of products that could pose a threat to your dog, so make sure you do your research before making a choice. If your dog has not been spayed and has been allowed outdoors there is even the possibility that she may have mated and be pregnant without you even knowing it. When she is ready to deliver, she may display late pregnancy symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of dog menstruation. In case the dog has puppies, stay calm as it is vital that you do not distress her about their safety.  You must ensure that your dog accepts your presence around, and close to the litter.  Let your dog know that you are there to help and protect her during this time. If the dog begins to behave aggressively, you must study her behavior and try to understand the cause for this change.

Dog Menstruation Cycle | Heat Period | Length of Female Dog Menstruation Cycle

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 1:07 am

Dog Menstruation Cycle

A female dog, in the cycle of reproduction usually comes into what is known as “heat” every six months and on an average they invariably have two cycles in a year. Animal Shelters and “Pounds” are usually overcrowded with unwanted dogs because there are unfortunately many owners who do not take the trouble to keep their dogs indoors when in heat, which leads to their mating and subsequently producing a litter of pups.  Just about all dog homes and shelters are groaning under this burden today.

The actual period of “heat” usually lasts for 21 days, but this may vary slightly.  The actual “breeding time” or fertile period is just 2 or 3 days in the 21-day period, but the exact days are difficult to pinpoint.  What is know as the estrus cycle lasts 12-21 days, but could be shorter, from a few days to 4 weeks.  The length of a cycle varies, even within the same breed, so it is better to rely on the longer period for the length of the cycle. Bleeding occurs before the female becomes receptive to a male. Male dogs will be actively attracted to a female in the proestrus stage while a female dog will be ready for copulation during the estrus stage. Pregnancy during the first heat cycle is possible, but not advisable, because the dog is not yet emotionally or physically mature, and complications can arise for the mother and the puppies.

Most of the problems pertaining to the reproductive cycle in dogs stems from negligence or ignorance on the part of owners. Dogs that are kept as pets should be spayed before the first heat to preclude pregnancy and also reproductive diseases.  Later on in life, dogs may be spayed when in heat or when pregnant, but there is a risk because of dilated blood vessels and tissue of the reproductive tract. There is also a greater possibility of bleeding or other complications during surgery.  The first signs in young females are usually seen between six and eight months, though the heat period properly appears only at 8 to 12 months. Usually a female puppy should be watched regularly and the start of her first cycle should be noted. If at fourteen months, she has not yet been in heat, she needs to be seen by the vet.

One of the ways of dealing with a dog while she has her menstruation cycles is to try and confine her to one room in order to minimize the amount of cleaning up that you will have to take on during this time. If this is not possible, discuss pamper options with your vet as this can help her during these special days.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux In Dogs | Causes of Acid Reflux In Dogs and Puppies

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , , , — Nick @ 5:36 am

Symptoms of Acid Reflux In Dogs

Acid reflux is a condition, also known as heartburn. This condition is characterized by a reverse flow of the gastric acids. The gastric acid flows into the esophagus, into the throat, burning the entire tube along its way. This occurs when the muscular opening at the base of the esophagus becomes lose and the gastric juices can easily flow into the throat. This condition is fairly common in both humans and in dogs. The symptoms of acid reflux in dogs may occur at any age in their life.

Due to the reverse flow of gastric stomach acid, bile salts and the enzyme pepsin into the throat and the esophagus may become inflamed and damaged. This condition mostly affects young dogs because their esophagus is not completely developed and the muscles are still weak.
The symptoms of acid reflux in puppies often go unnoticed. This is because the acid reflux may cause the puppy to whimper, but not show signs of pain. Due to the burning sensations in the puppies’ body, they may not be able to eat anything. In fact, they may also avoid drinking water.
So, what are the symptoms of acid reflux in dogs?The dog usually spits up and experiences regurgitation of food. There may also be a lot of evidence of pain. The dog may howl and whine. One of the other symptoms of acid reflux in dogs would be loss of appetite and unwillingness to drink water. There may also be severe inflammation of the esophagus along with fever and a lot of salivation.

The exact causes of acid reflux in dogs are not known. Acid reflux in dogs may occur due to administration of anesthetics. The failure to fast the dog properly or positioning the dog improperly in any way before administering the anesthesia could result in the relaxation of the esophageal opening.

Hiatal hernia could also cause the esophageal opening to relax, which causes an increased risk of developing acid reflux. If the esophageal sphincter of the dog is still developing, acid reflux could cause chronic vomiting and other long term problems. If the flow of gastric juices into the esophagus continues, it could ultimately cause the esophagus to burn or get permanently damaged.

Dogs would need immediate treatment when they are diagnosed with acid reflux. If the treatment is delayed, this condition could worsen. Home care would also be required and the dog will need to consume bland food. It is also possible that the dog may have to be given glucose intravenously for a brief period.

Dog Sickness Remedies | Sick Dog Natural Treatment, Remedy, Prevention

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:18 am

Dog Sickness Remedies

Just as we do, our pets can also fall sick. Luckily, there are many home remedies for sick dogs that can help them get healthy in no time. While it is important to consult a vet regarding the sickness of a dog, you can try some simple dog sickness remedies for non-threatening and common conditions.

Dog sickness natural remedies are often better than medication, since medicines almost always have some side effects or the other. Do keep in mind however that dog sickness remedies should simply be used as a means of temporary relief and to treat minor non threatening conditions. Make sure you get your dog to a vet for a thorough diagnosis to rule out anything more serious. Here are some of the most popular dog sickness remedies:

  • Papaya fruit is one of the most highly regarded ingredients for dog sickness treatments. Papaya fruit can increase the immunity for dogs that are convalescing. The papaya fruit it full of nutrients which can help boost the immunity of the dog and therefore is also a powerful dog sickness prevention ingredient.
  • If you feel that your dog is appearing dull and has very lethargic movements, it is possible that the dog may not be well. Try to feed the dog and if the dog does not seem to be interested in eating anything, you can give it two cloves of garlic. If the dog is not eating the garlic, crush the garlic and hide it in a treat that your dog likes to make sure that it eats the garlic cloves.
  • If your dog has diarrhea or is vomiting, it may not eat anything. Give the dog lots of fluids to drink and make sure that it remains hydrated. In case the dog has constipation, give it warm water so that the stools may soften and the dog may once again begin to pass stools normally.
  • Dog treatment for anemia include consumption of bilberry, elderberry and blackberry. Dates and black grapes are also excellent supplements and should be provided to the dog along with the routine food. All of these are rich in iron and can improve the production of red blood cells in the dog. Read more on sick dog care
  • For a dog, with incessant coughing and nasal discharge, a mixture of lukewarm water with lime juice, serves as an excellent remedy. After drinking this solution, the dog will feel less congested. Continue giving this solution to your dog until the congestion has completely cleared.
  • One of the oldest sick dog remedies in China is a mixture of mung beans and boiled spinach. If your dog is not keeping well, and is lethargic and weak, feeding it a mixture of spinach and mung beans can help improve the dog’s condition.

Dog Castration Aftercare | Recovery Post Castration In Dogs

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 5:13 am

Dog Castration Aftercare

Dog castration is performed primarily to prevent the dog from reproducing. Though this is a surgical procedure, it is a relatively simple one. The recovery after such a surgical procedure is also very quick and complete but the dog owner may have to take a lot of measures in order to make sure that the recovery of the dog is complete. Dog castration aftercare is a concern for most pet owners as this is crucial to a swift and complete recovery.

There are special measures which can be taken to care well for the dog, especially after a surgery has been performed. The usual period for recovery for dogs is between 10 to 14 days. Typically, the surgery is performed in the morning and the dog is ready to go home in the evening. When you come to pick up your dog, have a lengthy discussion with the vet and understand all the facets of dog castration aftercare and the dog castration recovery period. You may have to help your dog get into the car after the surgery because the dog may still be woozy as the effects of anesthesia begin to wear out. Do not allow the dog to jump. You will have to carry the dog and place it on the back seat of the car so that the stitches remain intact and do not stretch. Since the incisions are also fresh, it is best to make sure that the bandages remain on the wounds till the dog is completely healed. If you have stairs in your home do not let the dog climb as this too will stretch the stitches on the dog’s abdomen. If your steps are smaller you may let the dog climb. However, immediately after the surgery, your dog may not have regained its balance and it will be helpful to get your dog to climb the stairs carefully.

Read more on Dog Castration Complications

Bring your dog to its bed or crate where the dog can go to sleep immediately after getting home from the surgery. Dogs will usually not have the energy to keep up a lot of activity after this painful surgery so it is best to let them sleep and regain their strength. The recovery will be faster if the dog is allowed to sleep properly. This is the best dog castration aftercare. If you have other pets or kids in your home, keep them away from your dog that has just had the surgery. This is an important part of the dog castration aftercare. The dog castration recovery will depend on how long the dog has slept peacefully in the days post castration in dogs. The other pets and children may disturb the dog and may play with it, causing delay in the healing of the stitches.

Dog Castration Complications, Problems | Castrating Dog Pros And Cons

Filed under: Dog Health — Tags: , — Nik @ 4:01 am

Dog Castration Complications

The process of castration applies to male dogs. It is a process where the male reproductive system is removed. In dogs this typically applies to the testicles. The process of castration in dogs is done to terminate the reproductive capability of the dog. There are many behavioral aspects associated with the sex hormones in male dogs. Many male dogs are aggressive as is their natural instinct. Male dogs with functioning sex hormones also tend to display behavior that is considered to be extremely undesirable. The act of mounting can be quite embarrassing for dog owners and may be a behavioral trait that owners wish to eliminate. Many dogs are excessively aggressive as well and may cause harm to family members or visitors. The process of dog castration is done in order to curb these issues. The health benefits from the process are also believed to highly outweigh the risk of any dog castration complications.

It is natural to worry about the safety of the procedure and the effects, but dog castration complications are minimal and there shouldn’t be much cause for worry. There are many dog castration pros and cons. The biggest benefit from dog castration is the reduction of the sex drive of the dog as there is a deficiency of sex hormones being produced in the body after castration. This limits undesirable behavior and also reduces the aggression of the dog towards other dogs and, especially, towards female dogs in heat. Another one of the positive effects of castration in dogs is with regard to testicular cancer. Even though the rate of infection of the testicles with cancer is low, it is still a concern. The removal of the testicles removes the organ completely and eliminates the risk of that form of cancer.

There are some common risks associated with any surgical procedure. These risks apply to castration as well. During any surgery there is the risk of infection developing. There is also the risk of excessive bleeding. Both these risks are reduced by having the surgery performed in a well equipped operating theatre that adheres to the highest standards of safety and cleanliness. Some other cons of a dog castration procedure include the development of certain types of cancers. The risk rate for neutered dogs developing cancer is higher than for intact males developing cancer. This has been corroborated by many studies. This is one of the most serious dog castration problems.

Read more on how to neuter dog and when to neuter dog

Other dog castration complications include cognitive impairment later in life. There is some research to suggest that dogs that have been castrated tend to suffer from cognitive function issues later in life. The frequency of these cases is higher in castrated dogs than in dogs that have not been castrated.

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